We’re very excited to add Cheetah Conservation Fund, an organization we know very well, to our list of front-line conservation & anti-poaching groups. CCF takes a holistic approach to conservation in Namibia and works to both save the remaining cheetah, conserve their environment for the future, and to support and educate the local communities who are part of that ecosystem. The organization continues to work hand-in-hand with numerous communities to improve their agricultural techniques, initiated a phenomenal Livestock Guarding Dogs program to protect the livelihoods of farmers without risking the safety of wildlife, and generally supports coexistence of people and wildlife in ways that not only have a short-term impact, but secure a long-term future for all inhabitants.
So strong is CCF’s commitment to the future coexistence that their Future Conservationists of Africa wildlife education and outreach initiative has reached 550,000 Namibian youth and adults. CCF also funds long-term genetic research into cheetah by supporting researchers along with a fully-equipped, in-situ genetics lab, the only one of its kind in Africa, and has collected biological samples from more than 1,000 cheetahs from the past 40 years. Their facility in Namibia is available to the public for visits. CCF is a registered as a charity in Namibia and the United States. In Australia, Canada, and Europe tax-deductible donations may be available if made through partnered non-profits noted on their website.