PoachingFacts is excited to welcome Wildlife Investigators Training Alliance to our ever-expanding list of front-line conservation groups. Through public and private support, WITA equips and trains rangers and investigators as well as gives instruction to prosecutors and judges in African poaching hotspots. As of 2023 they have trained over 2,500 individuals in these roles across critical regions of Uganda, Zambia, and Malawi. This comprehensive approach ensures that APUs and community rangers get a solid baseline of education as well as critical field first-aid and crime scene investigation techniques. It also means that suspects and criminals face a competent legal system able to see court cases through to their conclusion.
WITA is one of the few organizations that accepts both monetary donations as well as law enforcement supplies and equipment by pre-arrangement. It then arranges shipments of good-condition surplus or new equipment to their facilities in Africa. Registered as a charity in USA.