Sylverster, Cheetah in Zimbabwe

Wildlife Trafficking News Archive 2016-2018

This is a list of articles from 2016, 2017, and 2018 with news from around the world related to wildlife trafficking, animal parts trafficking, the impact of over-hunting and illegal hunting, human-wildlife conflict, and all forms of wildlife poaching and illegal fishing. The Wildlife Trafficking News Archive is meant to provide background or sources to the current wildlife trafficking situation and is listed in roughly reverse chronological order by year and month. Due to the number of more recent articles, years are grouped together and organized on separate pages.

For a comprehensive list of news articles and media reports published by wildlife trade monitoring network TRAFFIC please see their respective lists. News specific to wild elephants can also be found on Save The Elephant’s news groups for Asian elephants and African elephants or on their news feed. For in-depth journalism exposing wildlife traffickers and other environmental criminals please visit the website.

The News Archive is maintained solely for research purposes by PoachingFacts. All articles are copyright their respective owners, agencies, and are subject to their country’s copyright laws. Please support the agencies and organizations who provide this content. This page is continually being updated and articles are added retroactively.

Articles by Date

Archive of 2018-2019
Jump to: 2016, 2017, 2018
Archive of 2013-2015
Archive of 1987-2012

Articles from 2018

December 2018

Peter Matthiessen’s “The Snow Leopard” in the Age of Climate Change

Kenya: Elephant poaching reduces by 50% to 40 cases in 2018 – KWS

French Tech Firm Sigfox Develops Tiny Tracker to Help Fight Rhino Poaching

WCS Statement on the UK Ivory Ban – the Ivory Act of 2018

Senegal: 3 Traffickers Arrested With More Than 500 Wildlife Skins

Vietnam: Wildlife hunting in Gia Lai continues as enforcement remains weak

Zimbabwe: 7 Chinese Caught With $1m Rhino Horn Pieces

Tanzania to probe mysterious deaths of elephants

Uganda: Pupil dies of suspected elephant attack in Oyam

Cambodia: Cruel Wildlife Trapping

Kenya: Prevent elephant deaths

Lobster season closed again in Seychelles due to poaching, dwindling population

Southern Africa: Poachers Never Rest – So Neither Do We – IAPF operation.

Cameroon: 5 traffickers arrested with 45kg pangolin scales – 1 escaped.

DR Congo: The crime behind the chaos

South Africa: Field Ranger Killed in Musth Elephant Attack At Madikwe Game Reserve

Kenya: 26 Elephants Die in Maasai Mara in 90 Days – Report – Report can be viewed here.

Africa: Wildlife groups join hands to fight ivory trade

Zimbabwe Relocates Elephants to Ease Congestion

Zimbabwe Relocates Elephants to Poacher-Ravaged Park

Senegal: 3 Traffickers Arrested With More Than 500 Wildlife Skins

Cameroon: 5 traffickers arrested with 45kg pangolin scales – 1 escaped.

Wild animal meat trading rampant in Gia Lai restaurants – (alternate link)

Cambodia Seizes Record Three-Tonne Haul of African Ivory

Cambodia makes record breaking ivory haul at port

Zimbabwe: 2 rhino poachers jailed 10 years

Tanzania: Police Nab Three Suspects Over 20 Ivory Tusks

Tanzania: Govt Urged to Provide Training to Game Rangers

Southern Africa: The World’s Largest “Paper Park”

Cambodia: Pangolin Station (Stung Proat) – chainsaw, animal traps and bird nets

Tanzania: 8 Elephants’ Death Mired in Confusion

Malaysia torches 2.8 tonnes of African pangolin scales (alternate link)

Namibia: Minister Urges Judiciary to Join Fight Against Wildlife Crimes

South Africa: One of the Biggest Drivers of Rhino Extinction Is Social Inequality – According to ‘Living Planet’ report.

Unearthing Tim: The Battle to Rescue an Amboseli Icon – Big Life Rangers save tusker.

Hunters target endangered pangolins in India

WCS Myanmar Program Celebrates 25th Anniversary

South Africa: Illegal Collared Elephant Hunt in Greater Kruger – Warden Convicted

November 2018

South Africa: Rhino Poacher Who Shot at Kruger Helicopter Sentenced to 33 Years in Jail

Professionalized Anti-Poaching Operations Led to Arrest and Conviction of Four Elephant Poachers in Republic of Congo

Republic of Congo: Congo Hands Elephant Poachers Maximum Prison Sentence

Rwanda: Tourism Drive Puts People at Forefront of Conservation

Rescue of Critically Endangered Sumatran Rhino Brings New Hope for the Species

United States: San Diego Gallery Charged With Trafficking Over $1.3 Million Worth Of Ivory Items

Virtual meetup highlights networked sensor technology for parks

First wild Sumatran rhino in Borneo captured for breeding campaign

The Bangladeshi tribe that’s guarding turtles, co-authoring research papers

South Africa: A dark battle to save pangolins

Europe: Disrupting wildlife crime on the Dark Web

Gruesome Discovery of Czech Tiger Farm Exposes Illegal Trade in Heart of Europe

90 Years! Conservation Pioneer, Maggie Bryant, Celebrates Birthday – WILD Foundation board member reflects on conservation successes.

South Africa: Join the silent fight against snares in the KNP – Kruger National Park.

Richard Branson: Painted Wolves Are My Favorite Animal

Kenya: Bees help indigenous Yiaku defend and monitor their ancestral forest

Whale stress levels influenced by human activity, earwax study suggests

South Africa: No more court delays magistrate tells alleged rhino poaching kingpin Dumisani Gwala

Vietnam: Businesses join hands to fight wildlife crime

Five wildlife conservationists held by Iran could face the death penalty

Somalia: Farmajo Calls for Ending Illegal Fishing Vessels in African Waters

Zambia: President Lungu Hold Private Talks With Prince Harry

Malawi: Hyena Attacks 3 People in Ntcheu

Malawi: African Parks Restore Giraffe Population in Majete

Kenya to Help Protect, Exploit Marine Resources

Europe: Help us to track wildlife crime – #WildEye project aims to expose wildlife smuggling networks and how they work across the greater European continent.

Africa: ‘A Turtle Is Worth More Alive Than Dead’

Charities: Malawi Plans to Gag Critics With ‘Draconian’ Law

South Africa: Eight Men Arrested After Dozens of Lions Killed in North West

South Africa: Eight Suspects Arrested for Illegal Possession of Lion Bones, Meat and Tiger’s Hide

South Africa: Lions rescued from life of misery – Transported from Ukraine.

Kenya: U.S.$2 Million to Step Up War Against Poaching

Study identifies 567 barriers in 30 tiger corridors in Central India

Interpol Operation Exposes Marine Pollution Crime

A future for Sumatran rhinos – Fewer than 80 remain.

The Rising Threat to Jaguars from the Demand for Their Body Parts – Publication linked in article.

Latam Eco Review: Jail time for jaguar traffickers

Ethiopia Re-Evaluates Donkey Farming to Meet Global Trade Demands

Africa: NGOs Call for Disinvestments in Biodiversity Destruction

Help us to track wildlife crime – #WildEye project aims to expose wildlife smuggling networks and how they work across the greater European continent.

Progress on jaguar conservation in Suriname

Jaguar Conservation on the Continental Scale

In Sharm el Sheikh, a Time for Action on Biodiversity – At Conference of the Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity.

A Big Leap for the Elephants! India’s First Elephant Hospital

Harry the Rhino’s New Expanded Home: Moving Day at the Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary – International Rhino Foundation.

Interpol Operation Exposes Marine Pollution Crime

A future for Sumatran rhinos – Fewer than 80 remain.

South Africa: Rhino poacher who shot at Kruger helicopter sentenced to 33 years in jail

Shock as China Legalizes Medicinal Trade in Rhino Horns and Tiger Parts

China’s Legalization of Rhino Horn: A Detriment to Wild Rhino Populations – (Commentary) International Rhino Foundation.

South Africa: Rhino wars: the worst week ever

Persisting so that Nature Prevails: the Mali Elephant Project in 2018

October 2018

China’s legalisation of the domestic trade in rhino horn and tiger bone opens Pandora’s Box – (Commentary) Save the Rhino International.

London’s Illegal Wildlife Trade Conference 2018 – what does it mean?

Save the Rhino calls for improved controls for the sale of rhino horn antiques

Lion has face and paws cut off as four other big cats die of poisoning at South African wildlife reserve

Mexico/United States: Men Fined $1 Million for Trafficking $17 Million Worth of Squishy Sea Cucumbers

South Africa: Boosting rhino numbers and community engagement with Lowveld Rhino Trust

Vietnam: Hanoi airport seizes tonne of pangolin scales and ivory

South Africa: War on rhino: gambling on corruption (Victory! Nzimande suspended) – KZN Regional Court President Eric Nzimande.

September 2018

Cambodia: Poaching and Logging crackdown inside Cardamom National Park protected area

Vietnam: Dak Nong: illegal slaughtering and sale of wildlife meat continues

‘15,000 pangolins slaughtered’ for 7 tonnes of scales seized in China

Vietnam continues urgent action for wildlife crime prevention

Australia: Can wedge-tailed eagles survive the slaughter?

Meet the ‘Brave Ones’: The women saving Africa’s wildlife – IAPF’s Akashinga.

Vietnam: NGO offers wildlife trafficking solutions – Education for Nature Viet Nam (ENV).

Rhino Horn and Tiger Wine: How the Illegal Wildlife Trade Is Growing Bolder

South Africa Rhino Poaching Drops Sharply; 100s Still Being Killed

Groundbreaking Effort to Save Sumatran Rhinos

SA has lost 96 million abalone to poaching since 2000 – new report

Botswana Hits Back at Critics on Anti-Poaching Policy – Relating to the 87 dead elephants.

Cambodia: GPDS Anti-Poaching Unit fast intervention

India Hunts Man-Eating Tiger Blamed for 13 Deaths

Indonesia gives in to bird traders, rescinds protection for 3 species

Botswana denies reports of mass elephant poaching – Relating to the 87 dead elephants.

DNA database helps Nepal’s officials monitor tigers, punish poachers

EIA launch our Pangolin Project to help protect the world’s most trafficked mammal

An anti-poaching technology for elephants that is always listening

Delay in Hong Kong’s ivory ban endangers elephants and is ‘legally unnecessary’

Indonesia: National park with largest orangutan population being cleared for palm oil and illegally logged – Sebangau National Park.

Nearly 90 Elephants Found Dead Near Botswana Sanctuary, Killed By Poachers – 87 elephants.

Dozens of elephants killed near Botswana wildlife sanctuary – 87 elephants.

Vietnam: Ly Son murals promote sea turtle protection

The all female anti-poaching unit protecting elephants – The Black Mambas.

August 2018

Namibia: Company adopts rhino calf – Save the Rhino International.

Rhino Protection Units in Indonesia Celebrate their 23rd Anniversary

Kenya: Maasai battle to save vultures

Lusaka Agreement Task Force calls for enhanced cooperation and collaboration to suppress illegal wildlife and forest crime between Africa to Asia

SANParks staff member nabbed for rhino poaching

Ancient livestock dung heaps are now African wildlife hotspots

South Africa: Limpopo Farm Owner Discovers 3 Lion Carcasses On Property, 2 With Heads and Paws Cut Off

Vietnam: USAID promotes Chi initiative to drive down demand for rhino horn

Vietnam: Last private bear bile farm in Tien Giang closed

The forest beekeepers of Zanzibar

A spotlight on corruption – In South African courts.

For India’s black-necked cranes, dogs are a major threat

Bandits raid village near Madagascar park, killing conservation worker

Whaling without purpose: The unjustifiable commercial pursuit of peaceful ocean giants

The elephant repellent invented at a Kenyan school that warns by SMS

Meet an ivory trafficker’s ‘worst nightmare’

South Africa rhino poaching: ‘Bribes paid to court syndicate’ – “Kingpin” Dumisani Gwala and KZN Regional Court President Eric Nzimande.

India: Wildlife SOS Extends Support To Front Line Forest Officers On World Ranger Day!

Malawi: WDDU Film To Be Shown In Malawi’s Airports – Wildlife Detection Dog Unit (WDDU).

Murder of activist in India highlights growing risk to environmental defenders

Vietnam: Short film calls for end to rhino massacres – by The Education for Nature – Vietnam.

Cameroon Pangolin Traffickers Caught in the Act

Poachers caught on video killing mother bear and cubs at den in Alaska

Fight to protect the world’s most threatened ape goes to court

Wild-caught timber elephants in Myanmar die earlier than captive-born ones

Vietnam: Asiatic black bear sent to rescue centre – Formerly privately owned.

Protected landscape across India-Bhutan border a refuge for wildlife during armed conflict

Vietnam: Rare macaque rescued in Kon Tum – Formerly privately owned.

Vietnam: Ninh Thuan works to protect sea turtles

Vietnam: Fewer sea turtles coming inland to lay eggs

Botswana: Kalahari Trackers vs. Aircraft – The Ultimate Wildlife Counting Challenge

Forest elephant DNA diverse, consistent, and distinct, study says – African forest elephants.

In protecting the Javan rhino, locals gain a ‘more meaningful life’

Vietnam enhances protection of rare sea turtles

Indonesia: An indigenous village navigates its ecotourism success

Forest elephant DNA diverse, consistent, and distinct, study says

Latam Eco Review: Turtles at risk, jungle fracking, and a mafia land grab

In protecting the Javan rhino, locals gain a ‘more meaningful life’

Sniffing Out Ivory: WDDU Now in Action – Sniffer dogs searching for ivory, rhino horn, pangolin scales, animal skins, bushmeat, hippo teeth, firearms and ammunition and other contraband.

Legendary undercover investigators protect forests

Dhole (Asiatic Wild Dog) trapped in snare

Alan Rabinowitz, big cat evangelist and voice of the wild, dies at 64

Wildlife Traffickers Exploiting Vulnerabilities in the Air Transport Sector Worldwide

Tropical forest canopies get hotter than expected, putting wildlife at risk

Malawi: A Sneak Peek at Our Vulture Research – Lilongwe Wildlife.

Automating drone-based wildlife surveys saves time and money, study finds

95 percent of all lemur species face high risk of extinction, experts say

Indonesia’s first court case involving CITES Appendix I listed Radiated Tortoise

July 2018

In Kenya’s Maasai Mara, detection dogs are a ranger’s best friend

Thailand: Kui Buri National Park’s only female ranger shatters stereotypes

New Survey Finds One in Seven Wildlife Rangers Have Been Seriously Injured in the Line of Duty Over the Past Year

The Chinese ‘miracle’ elixir that threatens donkeys around the world

What happened to the boy who chased away the lions? – Masaai herdsmen and NGOs parter to solve human-wildlife conflict.

The mystery of the sick turtles: Q&A with animal disease detectives Chrissy Cabay and Daniel Woodburn

The Dwindling Sharks and Rays of the Western Indian Ocean

Exhibition brings emotional lives of animals to zoos across China, fostering respect and empathy for all species

Cambodia: Furniture shop illegally selling endangered wildlife parts

India: “If a tiger kills our cattle, we don’t feel angry”

DHL eCommerce in Thailand Boosts Efforts to Combat Illegal Wildlife Trade

Latam Eco Review: Witchcraft and wildlife trafficking in Peru

Reducing Manta Ray Mortality in the World’s Largest Targeted Manta Fishery

10 of 11 black rhinos now dead after relocation attempt in Kenya takes tragic turn

Number of murdered environmental activists rose once again in 2017

U.S./Mexico: 2700 scientists issue call to action on border wall wildlife threat

Borneo: Arrests in Kalimantan and Sabah for Dealing in Protected Bird Species

#9Lives: People around the world give new lives to nine bears rescued from extreme cruelty

Poultry Husbandry to Support Food Security and Reduce Bushmeat Hunting

India: Agencies meet in Dehradun to co-ordinate efforts to curb trans-boundary illegal wildlife trade

Getting Tough on Illegal and Unregulated Shark and Ray Trade at CITES

De Beers moves 200 elephants from South Africa to Mozambique

Cambodia: Hunting the poachers

Kenya: Death of Rhinos a Big Blow to Kenya’s Conservation Efforts

Evidence to CITES shows irresponsible lion bone trade drives consumer demand for big cat parts

Top sniffer dog goes missing at the Port of Dar es Salaam

Tanzania hunt for top ivory-sniffing dog – Missing working dog.

Tanzania and Kenya row over delay to wildebeest migration

South Africa: Dodgy Skeleton Traders and Lion Slaughterhouses Exposed in Damning Report

Major investigation exposes horrific tiger slaughterhouse in the Czech Republic

Damning New Report Suggests South Africa’s Lion Bone Trade is a Sh*t Show

Kenya: African Task Force Swoops Down on Traffickers – Nigerian-Chinese crime ring linked to tons of wildlife seized in Asia.

Nairobi National Park railway ‘threatens Kenyan wildlife’

Kenya: KWS to display horns of 9 rhinos that died at Tsavo after translocation

New report proves bear bile farming fuels wild poaching

World Ranger Day E-Pack Now Available in Three Languages!

Ninth Rhino Dies at New Kenyan Sanctuary

South Africa: Rhino mafia, dirty cops: Is Hazyview under siege?

CITES: Global Experts Meet to Review International Wildlife Trade Prior to CoP18

South Africa to nearly double exports of lion skeletons, fuelling illegal tiger trade

Russia: Amur Leopards Could Go Extinct as Numbers Dwindle

8 Critically Endangered Black Rhinos Die in Kenya

Seven black rhinos die after move to a new park in Kenya

World Chimpanzee Day: Our closest relatives have the compassion to adopt orphans, but do we have it in us to save them?

National park stops elephant rides with new tourism model designed to end elephant exploitation in Vietnam

7 endangered black rhinos have died while being transported to a new wildlife reserve in Kenya – Later news indicates 10 of 11 rhino have died.

Kenya Looks to Boost Black Rhino Population

Rhino poop gives villagers in India a conservation incentive

Vietnam’s bear bile farms are collapsing — but it may not be good news

Vietnam gets serious about wildlife crime with double launch of books designed to end bear bile farming

Elephants with a purpose

New study highlights need for comprehensive online wildlife trade monitoring in Viet Nam

How blockchain gaming could benefit wildlife conservation

Audio: How to use drones without stressing wildlife

Zimbabwe’s chiefs revive tradition to save the country’s last pangolins

Tiger, clouded leopard skins among illegal wildlife parts seized in Malaysia

‘Better and better’: Thermal cameras turn up the heat on poachers

iSimangaliso’s elephants – the big picture

Three Critically Endangered tigers among illegal wildlife products seized by Malaysian authorities

Lions Eat Men Suspected of Poaching Rhinos. Some Saw ‘Karma.’

Lions eat rhino poachers in South African game reserve

Scientists Working to Create Northern White Rhino Embryos

Lions Kill Suspected Rhino Poachers on South African Game Reserve

Orangutan found shot, hacked at palm plantation with history of deaths

Two suspected poachers arrested for killing of Sumatran elephant

India: Community based wildlife protection initiatives key to curbing wildlife crime in Nagaland

Chinese communities in Mozambique and Zambia engaged on CITES and sustainable trade in forest resources

Implicit gender, racial biases may hinder effectiveness of conservation science, experts warn

Fingerprinting technology gives investigators an edge against pangolin traffickers

June 2018

China issues permits to trade in the bones of hundreds of leopards

Staff of Vietnamese and German companies learn benefits of wildlife-focused CSR

State rescue centres upgraded as Vietnam prepares to end bear bile farming

Project Spotlight: The Importance of Our Wildlife Health Programme – Lilongwe Wildlife’s ‘Clinical Projects in One Health.’

WRRT confiscates 381 lbs (173 kg) of wildlife meat from market

In its fight against rhino poachers, India lets the dogs out

Rhino Protection Units in Indonesia doing great work!

Pangolin station – Support the men on the front line of conservation

Poachers sentenced to prison – Success story from Wildlife Alliance.

India: Wildlife Crime Enforcement Workshop Hosted In Gorakhpur

Malawi: Beekeeping Project Causes a Buzz – Lilongwe Wildlife success story.

For Madagascar’s park managers, the science literature is out of reach

Let there be light — but be mindful of the wildlife

African wild dogs make comeback at Mozambican wildlife park

Tanzania: Rhino Numbers in Ngorongoro Tops Over 50

Workshop held to consolidate interagency law enforcement mechanism in China

Iceland flouts global ban to slaughter first protected fin whale of new hunting season

As Colombia expands its palm oil sector, scientists worry about wildlife

Malawi: Brave Airport Workers Involved in Dramatic Pangolin Rescue – Kamuzu International Airport (KIA).

Live animals, meat, ivory, wood seized in trafficking stings – Global crackdown backed by Interpol.

Killing dogs for meat illegal, rules South Korean court

Many wildlife-vehicle collisions preventable

Madagascar: Yet another anti-trafficking activist convicted

Just months after vets saved his life, bile farm survivor finally succumbs to lifetime of injuries

New Study Finds Sharks in Tropical Coral Reefs Are Disappearing Due to Human Activity

Plans for a refuge for pangolins in peril in SA

Malawi: KIA’s Fight Against Wildlife Crime – Kamuzu International Airport (KIA).

East Africa: Rhino Horn From Beira Seized in Hong Kong – Rhino horn moved from Mozambican city of Beira via Johannesburg and Doha.

South Africa: Rhino horn slips past security‚ uncovered in Hong Kong

Addo Dispatch: Where Female Elephants Without Tusks Roam — and Poachers Stay Away

In bid to stamp out poaching of sea cucumbers, Japan to create unique catch certificate system

More ivory poaching arrests by Akashinga in Zimbabwe – International Anti-Poaching Foundation.

Alleged rhino poaching kingpin “Mr Big” arrested in Hawks Police raid – Petros Sydney Mabuza.

Vietnam: Nearly 340kg of pangolins seized in Thanh Hoa

Thailand: Toro – Another poor victim of the Illegal Wildlife Pet Trade – WFFT Wildlife Rescue Centre.

Southeast Asia: Facebook video shows orangutan defending forest against bulldozer

South Africa: Poaching Kingpin and Wife Arrested by Directorate of Priority Crimes Investigation (HAWKS)

Update: After Violence, Congo’s Virunga National Park Closes for the Year

Six illegal wildlife traders arrested in Bago, Ayeyarwady, Mandalay

Hunting, fishing causing dramatic decline in Amazon river dolphins

‘Back to the Wild’ – Thailand Hosts Workshop to Improve Survival Rates of Confiscated Pangolins

Vietnam: More Asian black bears in captivity in Lam Dong released

Vietnam: Two more bears sent to rescue centre

Malawi: Experts Differ On Levels of Poaching in the Country

Poachers blamed in second Sumatran elephant death this year

Parties agree to re-engineer Lusaka Agreement and commit to enhance enforcement operations

Vietnam: 150kg dolphin found dead in Phu Quoc

Zambia Authorizes Killing Thousands of Hippos – Registered hunters, others.

Zambia Denies Authorising Culling of 2 000 Hippos

Vietnam: Owner gives up captive bears to sanctuary

South Africa: Outrage After Kruger Lion Baited and Shot By Trophy Hunter in Neighbouring Reserve

Kenya’s Uhuru Kenyatta seeks action against illegal fishing in African waters

Namibia: Conservation and tourism thrive together

Vietnam makes progress in wildlife protection

Malaysia seizes over 680 wildlife and parts in operation against wildlife cybercrime

China joins Tanzania and Malawi in efforts to curb illegal wildlife trade

Southeast Asia’s appetite for pet otters supplied online

Kenya Arrests 109 Tanzanians for Illegal Fishing

South Africa: Minister Edna Molewa Welcomes Arrest of Alleged Rhino Poachers (alternate link)

South Africa: Supply Chain of Horn From Kruger Park Disrupted – Investigators (alternate link) – Traffickers: Mandla Patrick Mashele and Kelvin Hahlane Malapane.

Vietnam: Man sentenced for smuggling 7,000 dead sea turtles

Vietnam, Italy cooperate in environmental protection – Signing of Memorandum of Understanding.

Field Museum honors Peruvian organization for its conservation work with indigenous groups

Dog cruelty targeted as pop-up think-tank unites charities and government agencies across China

East Africa’s mountain gorilla population now numbers more than 1,000

China to Shut Down 22 Domestic Ivory Carving Factories, 88 Outlets (alternate link)

South Africa: Hawks nab alleged Gauteng rhino poaching kingpins – Traffickers: Mandla Patrick Mashele and Kelvin Hahlane Malapane.

Violence shuts Africa’s Virunga gorilla park till 2019

Owner of South African hunting company indicted by US prosecutors over illegal elephant hunt

Lao PDR Prime Ministerial Order raises hope for clean-up of country’s illegal wildlife trade hubs

Peruvian Conservationist Suffers Assassination Attempt

2 years on, still no punishment for the Tiger Temple Criminals!!!

Long Rainy Season Giraffe Surveys – 8th year of study.

Thailand: Successful Monkey Rescue and Release

This tiny camera aims to catch poachers — before they kill

Namibia: Officers Get Training in Fighting Wildlife Crimes

Nigeria: Firms Partner to Promote Environmental Awareness

Ethiopia: There Is a Call for Combating Wildlife Trafficking, Illegal Hunting

Vietnam: Buyer of legally protected turtles to be sentenced to two to seven years in prison

Vietnam commits to fighting illegal wildlife trade

Clean Up Namibia Campaign

Namibia: Local High School Volunteers at CCF

May 2018

Madagascar court upholds sentence for environmental activist

Biodiversity: What is it and why is it so important?

Indonesia targets illegal fishing vessel owners under new bill

TripAdvisor removes listing for tour offering endangered species as dinner

Wildlife Crime Workshop Organised At The WSOS Elephant Center

It’s Official: All Canadian Turtles at Some Level of Risk.

Digital Fingerprints Lead Modern Day Sleuths to Traffickers

Geneticists: It’s time to mix the Sumatran rhino subspecies

Traditional medicine students and lecturers work to discourage prescription of illegal wildlife products

Mining, erosion threaten Indian rhino haven

Vietnam: Protecting forests by purging forest ranger staff, converting illegal loggers

Black Spotted Turtles no match for fast and furious illegal trade

Survivor of Vietnam’s most brutal bear bile farm reminds us every life is worth fighting for

Central Africa: Kony Kills 100 Elephants Yearly

Uganda: Kony Surviving On Ivory Deals With Arabs – Captive

Rangers face a ‘toxic mix’ of mental strain and lack of support

Hunters are wiping out hornbills in Ghana’s forests – Bushmeat hunters and poachers.

Highlighting the Plight of the Pangolin

Chinese Government permitting commercial trade in the bones of threatened leopards

In unsuspecting Indian villages, the international rhino horn trade takes a toll

African vultures under the gun as lead ammunition takes a toll

Sea turtle smuggler faces 2-7 years in prison

Reptiles and amphibians endemic to Japan’s Nansei Islands threatened by pet trade

New study calls for enforcement co-operation to stem Red Panda trade in China

Venezuela’s hungry hunt wildlife, zoo animals, as economic crisis grows

Online network seeks to boost international collaboration against wildlife trafficking in Central Africa

Documenting the African elephant’s ‘last stand’: Q&A with filmmaker Cyril Christo

Tiny marsupials that practice ‘suicidal’ mating declared endangered – Habitat loss, predation by domestic animals.

Saving Species project launched in Viet Nam

East Africa: Director’s Note: 2017 Year in Review

Report unmasks indiscriminate killer of elephants: poaching not for ivory, but for skin

Virunga National Park Ranger, Rachel Masika Baraka, killed in action

Authorities work to end illegal wildlife trading

Ravenous rescued bears’ appetite for life sees them eat up to 5.5 metric tonnes a week

Wildlife Kingpin Goes to Prison (Thai language version) – Vietnamese-Thai national Boonchai Bach.

Earthquake monitors could be used to detect elephant poachers

Big Life Launches Amboseli Conservation Academy

Pangolins on the brink as Africa-China trafficking persists unabated

Amur Leopard Population Triples–to 103

Vaquita: EAL’s Director puts heat on the Mexican government and Chinese traffickers, live on TV

Another 3.3 tonnes of pangolin scales seized in HCM City

Over 10,000 endangered tortoises are rescued in Madagascar

Mozambique: Govt Plants to Invest $100 Million in Anti-Poaching Strategy (alternate link)

Poachers shoot dead three rhinos inside Kenyan sanctuary

Central province to launch urgent protection of endangered langurs

Sending a message about rhino conservation in Nepal

The ongoing trade threatening tigers, pangolins, songbirds and sharks revealed in latest TRAFFIC Bulletin

Thai tycoon denies poaching protected wildlife, pleads not guilty – Premchai Karnasuta, President of Italian-Thai Development Pcl.

‘Lion slaughterhouse’ shows the terrible reality of South Africa’s lion skeleton trade

More than 800 totoaba swim bladders confiscated by Mexican authorities in smuggling busts

April 2018

4 arrests for poaching in Zimbabwe and the BBC was there to cover the action! – IAPF’s Akashinga unit.

Opinion: Poisoning of Ugandan Lions Highlights Africa’s Rural Poverty Crisis

The Ivory Trade Is Even More Deadly than Most Folks Realize

The Bloody Toll of Congo’s Elephant Wars

Vietnam: Ho Chi Minh City Seizes 3.8 Tonnes of Pangolin Scales – Nearly 3,800kg shipped from Congo through Singapore.

The men who love and take care of elephants in the Central Highlands

Two newborn Javan rhinos spotted on camera in Indonesian park

Signoff on rhino sperm transfer between Indonesia, Malaysia expected mid-May: Official

Twiga Tracker – Using modern technology to save giraffe and their habitat

Study calls for scrutiny of bear farms in Lao PDR

Former First Lady of Zimbabwe investigated regarding poaching allegations

Vietnam: Illegal shrimp hatcheries cause environmental damage

Indonesia’s crackdown on illegal fishing is paying off, study finds

Poachers versus Poop – DNA evidence may help save elephants.

First increase in Mekong River Irrawaddy dolphins in 20 years

First tigers, now leopards taking the hit from Chinese demand for ‘health tonics’

Chinese court issues a five-year jail term for selling tiger bone wine

Half a ton of pangolin scales seized on the way to Asia from Benin

Forestry officers trained in effective prosecution and conviction of wildlife crimes

Poaching numbers down in Namibia thanks to dedicated ranger teams

South Africa: ‘Problem’ lion shot in Hoedspruit

Using cute animals in pop culture makes public think they’re not endangered – study

Looming Ivory Ban Will Create a Mountain of Unsellable Antiques – UK.

Zimbabwe: Illicit Ivory Trade Earns Man 9-Year Term (alternate link)

Is Côte D’Ivoire Becoming a Wildlife Trafficking Hotspot?

NGOs acquire land in Brazil to create wildlife corridor

Dolphin Day: Playful, social and intelligent – but at risk of extinction

Russia: The world’s rarest big cat grows in number – Snow leopard.

CAR: We Rescued Three Chimpanzees from War (Annie, Aimi and Commando) and moved 3 others – Elephant Action League.

South Korea bans importation of “The Cove” dolphins

South Africa: Kruger’s Contested Borderlands – Poaching, community relocation, and illegal land grabs.

New Report Helps Uganda Take Aim at Wildlife Trafficking

Wildlife trade detective Samuel Wasser receives prestigious Albert Schweitzer Medal

Activists fear for environmental protection under Indonesia’s revised Criminal Code

Animal trainers are teaching wildlife to conserve themselves – Dolphins, chimpanzees, others.

Race for Mexico’s ‘cocaine of the sea’ pushes two species toward extinction – Totoaba swim bladders.

Congo-Kinshasa: Virunga Park Rangers in DRC Killed in Ambush

DR Congo: In Memoriam: Deadliest Attack on Virunga Staff in Park’s Recent History Brings Total Ranger Deaths to 175

DR Congo: Six killed in attack on Virunga National Park

Six staff killed in deadliest attack at Congo’s Virunga National Park

Indonesian conservation bill is weak on wildlife crime, critics say

Zimbabwe: Police Tighten Noose On Grace Mugabe (alternate link)

‘We know we may be killed’: the rangers risking their lives for Virunga’s gorillas

Private sector in Japan shows Government the right way forward over ivory sales

Zimbabwe: CITES Lauds Zim for Reducing Poaching (alternate link) – Note: Elephant population figures in this article are factually incorrect.

India: Bollywood star Salman Khan guilty of killing rare antelopes

Kaziranga’s rhino census finds the population is growing, but more slowly than expected

Minister Edna Molewa: Opening of the 4th Multi-Lateral Meeting of the Defence and Security Chiefs on Anti-Poaching

Tanzania: Kigwangalla Steps Up Fight Against Poachers, Smugglers

Endangered Elongated Tortoises Saved

Wildlife sniffer dog training begins in Gwalior, TRAFFIC recruits another 12 dogs

Private sector in Japan shows Government the right way forward over ivory sales

Taiwan announces move to close its domestic ivory market by 2020

Unprecedented Collaring Effort Aims to Protect Tanzania’s Threatened Elephants

Calls for change in handling abuse allegations at top conservation group – Conservation International.

UK Government steps up with a comprehensive ban on ivory trade

South Africa: Minister of Environmental Affairs welcomes rhino poaching and ivory smuggling successes

Vietnam: Wild animal-meat market busy during lunar new year season

UK to tighten laws on ‘abhorrent’ ivory trade

DR Congo: Virunga National Park Ranger Killed in Action

Royal Visit to Malawi Focuses on Wildlife Crime

March 2018 2018

Divers Risk Drowning and Sharks to Poach Abalone Worth $200 a Pound

ASEAN Lawmakers Join NGO to Target Human Traffickers – Freeland works to combat wildlife trafficking and human trafficking.

Zimbabwe: 3 rangers drown in Lower Zambezi (alternate link)

Indonesian graftbusters put a price tag on environmental crime

Range countries to lead new estimate of global snow leopard population as downgraded threat status remains controversial

‘IUCN Green List of species’: A new way to measure conservation success

Local conservancies create new hope for wildlife in Kenya’s Maasai Mara (commentary)

In Jakarta, wildlife monitors find a hotspot for the illegal tortoise trade

China-based internet alliance trained on combating wildlife cybercrime

No Cellphone Reception? That’s Good News for Jaguars

Grace Mugabe Linked to Alleged Ivory Smuggling in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe’s former First Lady Grace Mugabe investigated for ivory smuggling

South Africa: ‘R1m bribe’ for Zuma exposes crisis levels of abalone poaching – DA

Why Nigeria, Cameroon must collaborate on wildlife protection

Jakarta’s flourishing trade in threatened turtles and tortoises under the spotlight again

Elephant Stuck in Sewage Pit of ‘Illegal’ Resort Dies

Furs for life: a leopard saved

WFFT Rescue Team saves one more victim of human abuse & Illegal Wildlife Pet trade!

Paradigm Shift As African Countries Throw Their Weight Behind Ivory Ban

One step closer towards saving a magnificent species from the brink of extinction

Smart work by Save the Rhino Trust

Six Orphaned Asian Elephant Calves, Hand-raised at CWRC, Moved to Manas National Park for Rehabilitation

Over $720 million in profit from tourism in Peru’s protected natural areas

More than 40 percent of Madagascar’s freshwater life sliding toward extinction, IUCN finds

HRH Duke of Gloucester Highlights Malawi’s Efforts to Fight Wildlife Crime

Zimbabwe: Grace Mugabe ‘used state-owned ivory as gifts for Asian first ladies’: report

Brazilian lawmakers funded by donors guilty of environmental crimes: report

Wildlife trafficker gets 13 months in prison

Leopards could reduce rabies by controlling stray dog numbers in India, study finds

Kenya: World’s Last Male Northern White Rhino Dead

Wildlife trafficking: the animal market in Laos

RIP Sudan, the Last Male Northern White Rhino

Indonesia launches bid to restore national park that’s home to tigers, elephants

Environmental protection tax opposed by some economists

The Turtle Extinction Crisis

The story of little Mussa – Chimpanzee rescued from bushmeat poachers.

Shutting down EU ivory trade is a ‘personal priority’ for Boris Johnson

African leaders call on EU to shut ivory trade

Madagascar: Conservation official arrested for killing 11 endangered lemurs

Europeans are major smugglers of Southern African reptiles – (Full report)

Wildlife forensics: a new weapon for Southern African countries to help bring poachers to book

Legal Eastern Markets Are Gutting Africa’s Wildlife – Traffic

Philippine bird trade targets Indonesian species

Local authorities and communities celebrate success of wild plant collection initiative

Conservationists rush to save Bolivian turtles threatened by egg trafficking

Indonesia races to catch tiger alive as villagers threaten to ‘kill the beast’

Activists eye bigger roles for local officials, businesses in Indonesia’s orangutan protection plan

Two dozen Latin American countries sign agreement to protect environmental defenders

The Surprising Ways Tigers Benefit Farmers and Livestock Owners

Bushmeat hunting threatens hornbills and raptors in Cameroon’s forests, study finds

Association between hunting and elevated blood lead levels in the critically endangered African white-backed vulture (Gyps africanus)

In blood-sucking leeches, scientists find a genetic snapshot of local wildlife

Wildlife trafficking: how are tigers transported to Vietnam?

Malaysia busts second elephant poaching gang in just over a year

Tracking Black Rhino on Foot in Community-Owned Sera Rhino Sanctuary, Northern Kenya

Legalised totoaba fish trade could be the final nail in the vaquita’s coffin

West African states join elephant protection project

Jaguar numbers rising at field sites, WCS says

Zambia Deploys Drones to Fight Poachers

Wildlife trafficking: The ring that provides tigers soaked in alcohol

#InternationalWomensDay: Three inspirational women fighting back against the cruelty of bear bile farming

Leading Tech Companies Unite to Stop Wildlife Traffickers

Only 12 vaquita porpoises remain, watchdog group reports

How Tibetan Buddhism and conservation efforts helped Eurasian otters thrive in a city of 200,000 people (commentary)

Bornean bearded pigs seen adapting to oil palm habitats, study finds

Villagers cite self-defense in tiger killing, but missing body parts point to the illegal wildlife trade

Ecotourism payments for more wildlife sightings linked to conservation benefits in Laos

Ground-breaking study highlights scale of Africa-Asia wildlife trade

Call for Thai Government to revoke zoo licence for business behind notorious Tiger Temple

South Africa: Want to buy some rhino horn? Log in here, DNA required

Herbalist fights to save last of the elephants

Indonesia: Tiger Brutally Killed in North Sumatra, Hung from Ceiling

Wildlife: 6 Big Cats Under Serious Threat of Extinction

Penguin mega-colony discovered using satellites and drones, raising scientists’ hopes

Namibia: Poachers Kill Elephant in Kavango West

Mozambique: Over 100 Vultures Poisoned in Moamba

Out in the cold – The ongoing threat of snow leopard trade

Building trust between government and charities to find old dogs new homes

Vietnam: Leopards suspected of attacking goats in Quang Tri

ROUTES Partnership and Kenya Airways train transport staff to help curb wildlife trafficking

Vietnam: Wildlife trafficking world – Demand for animal bone glue

ROUTES Partnership and Kenya Airways train transport staff to help curb wildlife trafficking

Coexistence with Lions: the Climate Change Factor

February 2018

Five-year sentences for elephant poachers in Republic of Congo

New study: Radar reveals bats are a bellwether of climate change

Implementing SMART to conserve big cats globally

New Paper on Effectiveness of Community Conservation

New Study Shows Over a Third of Protected Areas Surveyed are Severely at Risk of Losing Tigers

African Parks to manage gorges, rock art and crocodiles of Chad’s Ennedi

Cambodia’s banteng-eating leopards edge closer to extinction, new study finds

Sixteen monkeys rescued by female Buddhist monk receive enormous new homes so they can all live like one big family

The largest vault of wildlife skulls and horns in Hanoi

Seven butchered rhinos discovered at KZN game reserve

LAM and USAID ROUTES To Help Curb Wildlife Trafficking in Mozambique

Regulation of Species is Great News for Malawi’s Wildlife

Yachak Organic fights poaching in west Africa, announces official beverage sponsorship of the Mali Elephant Project

Spreading Leopard Awareness Across Maharashtra

Myanmar, Conservationists Collaborating to Save Wild Elephants

Conservationist, imprisoned for spying, dies in Iranian prison – Professor Kavous Seyed Emami.

Volunteering on the front lines of rhino conservation (commentary)

Kenya poaching stats out

Orphaned female elephant social bonds reflect lack of access to mature adults

South Africa: Mobile trailers a significant boost in efforts to investigate remote wildlife crimes

CITES Ignores Illegal Import of Wild Elephants by China

Anti-Poaching Success in Mali – One year without losing an elephant for Mali Elephant Project.

Four Indonesian farmers charged in killing of orangutan that was shot 130 times

Queen conch dying out in the Bahamas despite marine parks

UK Troops Join Malawi Anti-Poaching Fight

Nearly 6,000 pangolins in illegal wildlife trade in India since 2009

World Pangolin Day – time to take illegal trade in the world’s most trafficked mammal seriously

World Pangolin Day: natural recyclers, keepers of the soil – and the world’s most trafficked animal

USAID Unveils Field Guide to Combat Pangolin Trafficking

Tanzania: Mass Poisoning Incident Leaves Lions, Vultures Dead Near Ruaha

Drones enable fast, accurate wildlife counts, study shows

Duterte orders navy to fire on foreign poachers in Philippine waters

Illegal ‘white gold,’ South Africa’s abalone, pouring into Hong Kong: TRAFFIC

Critically Endangered Sunda Pangolins finally receives the highest protection it deserves

Chinese enforcement agencies enhance their shark fin identification skills

Indonesian police bust Chinese nationals with 200 kg of turtle shells

India: Leopard Skin Seized In Ballabhgarh In A Joint Operation With The Haryana Forest Dept. & Police – Wildlife SOS.

Thai seizure of a dozen captive tigers resurrects farming threat

Poached Abalone from South Africa is Flowing into Hong Kong Markets

Japanese ivory trader arrested on suspicion of smuggling ivory to China

A tale of two otters: settling in Singapore, suffering in China

Robbery or retribution? Police investigate death of prominent conservationist in Kenya – Esmond Bradley Martin.

After a dozen years of cruelty rescued bears discover the joy of friendship

India: On February 4th 2018 rangers of the Department of National Parks and Wildlife received intelligence that a group of poachers were active – WFFT.

Hong Kong Bans Trade in Elephant Ivory by 2022

TRAFFIC mourns Esmond Bradley Martin: a leader in global conservation

Esmond Bradley Martin: Ivory investigator killed in Kenya

Elephant and rhino trade investigator is killed in Kenya – Esmond Bradley Martin

Leading Ivory Trade Investigator Killed in Kenya – Esmond Bradley Martin

Who Is Esmond Bradley-Martin? Leading Ivory Investigator Killed In Kenya

Indonesian rubber farmers charged in gruesome killing of Bornean orangutan

Almost four environmental defenders a week killed in 2017

In pursuit of the tortoise smugglers

Moving in the Anthropocene: Global reductions in terrestrial mammalian movements

Behind the scenes at the sanctuary ending bear bile farming in Vietnam

Malawi’s Wildlife Crime Justice Programme Produces Record Results

Hong Kong votes to ban ivory trade by 2021

Cambodia: Three rangers killed on duty by armed forces

January 2018

More murders: Conservationists allegedly killed by soldiers in Cambodia

New study suggests Borneo’s had elephants for thousands of years

Asia: Hunter camp dismantled – Chhay Areng Patrol Station

Blacklisted! An end in sight to Laos’ Sin City illegal wildlife supermarket?

Hong Kong Closes Loophole in Ivory Ban, Outlawing All Sales

Hong Kong Bans Ivory Trade in ‘Historic’ Vote

Hong Kong votes to impose domestic ivory ban by 2021

New study combats consumption of illegal wildlife products in Viet Nam

Philippine Pangolins lost in the big city

Chinese high schools to offer official animal welfare module for the first time ever

Bear and tiger parts seizure exposes the dangerous myth of captive breeding for trade

Suspected captive-bred tiger trade kingpin to go on trial in Vietnam

Can Sri Lanka’s elephants and humans learn to live together? – in pictures

Elephant tusks and pangolin scales seized, six suspects arrested in Ivory Coast

Tanzania: Kigwangalla Orders Arrest of “Poaching Kingpins” – Natural Resources and Tourism Minister Hamis Kigwangalla.

Boonchai Bach Arrest: Update. – Released on bail after appeal.

South Africa: MEC Sihle Zikalala Commends Hefty Sentences Meted Out to Rhino Poachers

Tanzania to auction 3 tons of hippo teeth, despite criticism

Tanzania: Natural Resources and Tourism Minister Hamis Kigwangalla Orders Arrest of “Poaching Kingpins”

Tanzania: Poaching Syndicate Exposed

Elephants Are Very Scared of Bees. That Could Save Their Lives.

Ivory Coast seizes huge haul of elephant tusks and pangolin scales

South Africa: Rhino Poaching – Incidents Decrease but Officials’ Involvement Hampers Progress

Dead tigers turn a spotlight on Laos’ tiger farms – and the urgent need to close them

South Africa: Minister Edna Molewa highlights progress on the implementation of the integrated strategic management of rhinoceros

Ivory poachers driving rare bird to extinction

Cambodia: The Last Hope for Iconic Wildlife at the Brink?

Rhino poaching decreases in South Africa

Namibia: Elephants Destroy Houses, Borehole

Safer in their skins: Booming demand for cruelty-free fashion helps animals

Rhino poaching in South Africa dipped slightly last year, but ‘crisis continues unabated,’ conservationists say

No more elephants? Poaching crisis takes its toll in the Central African Republic

Indonesia hints rhino sperm transfer to Malaysia may finally happen this year

South Africa: Pangolin found in man’s backpack

222 Bird Species Worldwide Are Now Critically Endangered

Malawi: Extinction of Large Animal Species Worries Department of Parks

Crowdsourcing the fight against poaching, with the help of remote cameras

Thai police bust leading wildlife trafficker – Boonchai Bach.

Wild Sri Lankan elephants retreat from the sound of disturbed Asian honey bees.

Thai police arrest notorious wildlife trafficking suspect

Wildlife crime kingpin of the Bach syndicate finally arrested in Thailand – Boonchai Bach.

“Untouchable” Wildlife Kingpin Arrested: Thai police nab notorious trafficker hunted for over a decade – Boonchai Bach.

To Counter Wildlife Trafficking, Local Enforcement, Not En-Route Interdiction, Is Key (commentary)

Facebook being used for illegal reptile trade in the Philippines

Botswana: Police Link Elephants Attacks to Poaching

Facebook dominates as the main market place for illegal live reptile trade in the Philippines

Songbirds sunk—almost 300 birds drowned by smugglers in dramatic confiscation

Gabon Says It Busted a Major Ivory Smuggling Network

Hundreds of animal traps, 2 motorbikes confiscated for rose wood transportation

A time bomb for the saiga? Bad news Central Asia’s beleaguered antelope

Why Did Two-Thirds of These Weird Antelope Suddenly Drop Dead?

Hong Kong Government Adviser Resigns Over Illegal Ivory Links

Orangutan found tortured and decapitated prompts Indonesia probe

Kenya: Seven Elephants Killed in Kajiado As Human-Wildlife Conflict Rages

Kenya: 7 Elephants Killed As Human-Wildlife Conflict Rages

Thailand: Highly Wanted Wildlife Trafficker Arrested Thanks to EAL’s Investigative Work

South Africa: Seven Suspects Arrested for Dealing and Possession of Rhino Horns

Poachers blamed as body of Sumatran elephant, missing tusks, found in protected forest

Wars kill wildlife in Africa’s protected areas, study finds

Wildlife Detectives Pursue the Case of Dwindling Elephants in Indonesia

Busy end of year for transport sector initiatives to curb wildlife crime

Indonesian ex-soldier among three jailed for illegal trade in Sumatran rhino, tiger parts

To Fight Illegal Fishing, Authorities Tighten Many Nets at Once

Six horrific ways bile is extracted from bears for traditional medicine

Namibia: Five Suspected Poachers Denied Bail

Liberia: Elephants Go On ‘Rampage’ in Nimba

Kenya Runs Out of Wildlife Space

Wildlife DNA forensic scientists are foiling poachers

BBC considers whether to stop showing ivory on Antiques Roadshow

In Africa, Geneticists Are Hunting Poachers

Rhinoceros DNA database successful in aiding poaching prosecutions

Zimbabwe: Seven Suspected Poachers Thrown Into Remand Prison

Namibia: Five Suspected Poachers Arrested in Zambezi

Pressure grows for UK to bring in blanket ban on ivory trade

South Africa: Limpopo Police Arrest Alleged Poachers From Gauteng

Rwanda: As We Applaud China’s Ivory Ban, Let Us Visit Mutware the Elephant

Namibia: Ivory Ban Will Boost Illegal Trade – Shifeta

Zimbabwe: Elephant Tusk Lands Man in Trouble

Turtles Released, Motorbike Confiscated After Poacher Deterred by GPDS rangers.

China’s Ivory Trade Ban Offers Hope for Future of African Elephants

Ethiopia: Illegal poaching on the decline: Authority

Wildlife sniffer dog helps apprehend poacher just a week after deployment

China’s domestic ivory ban is grounds for cautious optimism over future of elephants

Rhino poaching – Synopsis of the rhino poaching traffickers.

Militias turn their guns on wildlife in central Africa

Militias turn their guns on wildlife in central Africa – CAR and DRC

Rhino horn seizure taps into Southeast Asian trafficking ring

Elephant calves exported from Zimbabwe as China bans ivory trade

China closes ivory trade

EU invests $20 million to fight poaching, trafficking

US sanctions two over ivory trade with LRA

South Africa: Two nabbed after poisoning, killing and cutting up white lion

Articles from 2017

December 2017

How a Hunger for Teeth is Driving a Bat Toward Extinction

Zambia: Kitwe Man Jailed For Possession Of Ivory

Tanzania: Man killed by elephants in Serengeti

Cameroon: Fight Against Poaching: Government Steps Up Efforts

Emptying the cages: A history of bear rescues in Vietnam

Everyday Extinction: An Instagram Campaign Raising Awareness of Species Extinction

Uganda: Relief as stray elephant is captured

Illegal trade hammering Critically Endangered Sunda Pangolin stronghold

Kenya: Two wildlife rangers hurt in elephant attack

Japan’s inaction on illegal ivory exports threatens Chinese ban, report says

TRAFFIC Study: Japan’s ivory market must close

Bear bile and snakeskin boots: illegal goods seized at Heathrow – in pictures

How human infrastructure shapes the scent marking and movements of Eurasian lynx

Tanzania: Elephant Poaching Nosedives

TRAFFIC helps organize training workshop for enforcement officers in northwest China

British TV Celebrity Paul O’Grady Steps Forward To Protect Elephants!

Notorious Tiger Poacher Convicted To Jail Sentence

EAL and Thai Authorities Hit Second Big Asian Wildlife Trafficking Network in Less Than One Week

New recruits bring TRAFFIC’s Super Sniffers total to 56

Conservation International Deploys, Conducts First Ever Satellite Tagging of Critically Endangered Sea Turtles in Papua New Guinea

Two men due in court over Sh5.4mn ivory haul

Treasury Sanctions Lord’s Resistance Army Facilitators Involved in the Illicit Trade of Ivory, Weapons, and Money in Central Africa

U.S. sanctions two Africans over ivory, weapons trade

Highly Wanted Wildlife Trafficker, Kampanart Chaiyamart, Arrested Thanks to (EAL) – Elephant Action League.

Snare Set Up By Ruthless Poachers Claims Life Of An Endangered Sloth Bear

Japan’s Blind Eye Fuelling Illegal Ivory Trade as Demand Rises, Study Finds

Namibia: Three arrested with two rhino horns

Vietnam: Elephant donated to Dak Lak conservation centre

KWS officers arrest suspected giraffe poacher in Wajir County

TRAFFIC helps train Nanjing enforcement agencies to combat wildlife crime

Seeing the Forest for the Apes: An Unlikely Partnership for Conservation

Last chance for the vaquita: World’s most endangered marine mammal gets a CITES lifeline

Priyanka’s New Life At The Elephant Conservation & Care Center

Tanzania: Local Hunters Plead for Role in Conservation

Zimbabwe: U.S.$3 Million Rhino Horn Theft Accused Seek Acquittal

Hunt Elephants to Save Them? Some Countries See No Other Choice

Smuggled, Beaten and Drugged: The Illicit Global Ape Trade

Malawi: Highlighting the Scale of Wildlife Trafficking

Forced out or killed: rare chimps go missing from Cameroon mountain forest

From rescue to research: training detection dogs for conservation

November 2017

Working together brings the impossible within reach in Mali – The challenges of insurgents damaging community relationships with wildlife conservation.

Hluhluwe iMfolozi Park: Protecting the “birthplace of rhino”

Uganda: Gen Otema’s Farm Manager Arrested With 150kgs of Ivory

Burning chillis drive elephants away from African farmers crops

Trophy hunting may cause extinction in a changing environment

Malawi: Elephants break out 72 times in four months

Singita Grumeti anti-poaching crusade pays off

Tackling the illegal ivory trade: an online training tool for enforcement

Mozambique and Kruger Park hard at work to nail rhino poachers

Rangers collaborating with poachers: SanParks executive

Kenya Wildlife Service seizes Sh5.8m ivory in Tharaka-Nithi – ~$56,000.

Malaysia seizes pangolins scales moving through mail centre

Unseen Benefits of Saving Wild Tigers Unveiled in New Report

Alleged rhino killers arrested at Kruger National Park

Mexico: First Victory for the Vaquitas! Big Trafficker Arrested – Fishermen’s Federation of San Felipe Sunshine Rodríguez Peña.

Using technology to save the oceans: new tool to detect illegal fishing

Wildlife Rehabilitation Station – encouraging signs

Suffering Finally Comes to an End for Bietnamese Bears

A tranquilizer shortage is holding back rhino management plans in India

Video: Thousands of illegally caught African gray parrots being rehabilitated

Call for European Commission to Ban Commercial Trade in Ivory

Is anyone going to save the Sumatran rhino?

Kenyan police investigate four senior politicians for wildlife trafficking

An animal welfare awakening is changing Indonesia forever

UK to Ban Ivory Sales Next Year

Tusks and elephant tails seized in Ivory Coast

Rhinos safer but rare cycads now target for theft

Daring Crook Impersonates Judge, Implicates Mnangagwa in False Ivory Deal

Tanzania: Local Hunters Plead for Role in Conservation

Zimbabwe: U.S.$3 Million Rhino Horn Theft Accused Seek Acquittal

Wildlife Selfies: Think you really love animals? Read this.

Worst-case scenario: There could be only 30 wild Sumatran rhinos left

Fake news & alternative facts in rhino conservation

Vietnam: Three illegally-kept bears rescued in Ninh Binh

Vietnam: Smuggled, Beaten and Drugged: The Illicit Global Ape Trade

Three rhinos killed in 48 hours in India’s Kaziranga National Park

Indonesian NGOs lawyer up against environmental crimes

Time to get serious in fighting the corruption enabling wildlife and forest crime

Zimbabwe: Bicycles help fight poaching in Victoria Falls

South Africa: Pregnant rhino mother and calf killed by poachers (alternate source)

South Africa: Close to 50 vultures poisoned near Kruger National Park

He survived a hellish bile farm, now specialist care is taking away this bear’s pain

Namibia: Anti-Poaching Patrol Camp to Be Inaugurated (alternate link)

October 2017

New Study Finds That Endangered Lemurs in Madagascar Are Surviving in Cocoa and Vanilla Farms

African Elephant Poaching Down, Ivory Seizures Up

Tanzania: Remembering Country’s ‘Foremost Elephant Specialist’

North Korea accused of state-sanctioned rhino horn and ivory smuggling

World’s deepest lake crippled by putrid algae, poaching and pollution

Replenish the swamp: Turkey returns 7,500 trafficked frogs to the wild

Qatar Airways Joins Partnership to Combat Wildlife Trafficking

Namibia: African rhino injures poacher in rare reversal of fortunes

Namibia: Large Shipment Reptiles Seized in Laos

18 year sentence handed down to rhino poacher by Malawian court – Sentences of unprecedented length and severity after amendments to National Parks and Wildlife Act

Chinese citizen sentenced for smuggling rhino horn

Big cats continue to be sold in UAE via social media despite federal law

How bear bile farms leave their victims broken and blind

Namibia: Senior Cop Among Poaching Suspects

Amazonian hunters deplete wildlife but don’t empty forests

Across Asia, moon bears may be “vulnerable” but in Vietnam their plight looks much worse

Demand for Ivory Poses Threat to Malawi’s Hippos

Cameroon: Ivory Traffickers arrested in Yaounde

Elephant Tramples Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh, Killing Four

NSEFU: Your Donation Dollars at Work

Laos, the new marketplace for ivory poached from Africa

North Korea’s Rhino Horn Smuggling Could Grow as Sanctions Limit Cash Flow

From Poacher to Ranger, Saving China’s Siberian Tigers

UK Plans to Commit to Banning Ivory Trade

The pioneering vets who save rhinos left for dead by poachers (in pictures) – Graphic.

Understanding Elephant Movements Across International Borders

Tanzania: Sniffer dogs to track down poachers, animal trophies

Zim rangers kick, hit elephant during ‘capture for Chinese client’ – paper

Nigeria: ‘Govt Loses $10 Billion Yearly to Neglect of Wildlife Sector’

September 2017

Illegal trade map for World Rhino Day reveals new trends in trafficking

Liberian park protects Critically Endangered western chimpanzees

Documenting Africa’s poaching epidemic: Q&A with the director of ‘The Last Animals’

West Africa steps up battle against pirates and poachers

Mozambique jails six Tanzanian poachers

Nine stray elephants electrocuted in Botswana

Can the Javan rhino be saved before disaster strikes?

South Africa: Rhino Poachers Get Prison Time

Namibia hopes for 80% drop in human-wildlife conflict

Vietnamese media encouraged to become “agents of change” in efforts to deter wildlife crime

Nine Elephants in Botswana Are Electrocuted by Power Line

South Africa: The Fight Against Poaching Must Shift to Empowering Communities

Zimbabwe: Cop Steals Guns, Sells Them to Poachers

Uganda: Scare As Elephants, Locals Compete for Water Source

New study shows unfettered bird trade in Viet Nam

Pangolins reduced to small, isolated populations in Bangladesh: new study

Viral video ends cruel sun bear and orangutan performances

South Africa: Fishing Communities Battle the Law and a Depleted Ocean

Malawi: Woman, 40, Killed By Elephant

Malawi: Kenya: Three nabbed with ivory in Nairobi West

Indonesia abuzz over possible finding of extinct tiger

“Care for animals, care for life” adverts appear across China’s Yulin city

Vietnamese media become change agents to prevent wildlife crime

Traffickers find new ways to smuggle rhino horn out of Africa

Rhino horn is smuggled in trinket form, conservationists say

Organized criminal gangs behind rhino horn processing in South Africa—new study

Conservation in Changtang: Securing a Future for the Snow Leopard

Namibia: Poachers Denied Bail in Zambezi

Conversation with IFAW rhino expert on World Rhino Day

Tanzania: US-Made Drone to Help in Protection of Wildlife

Experts gather to develop a Sun Bear conservation plan – the first ever for bears

Illegal wildlife seizures need to drive criminal investigations, not just photo opportunities

Vietnam a hotspot for elephant-tusk trafficking

Malaysian enforcement blazes a sizzling trail with a spate of high profile wildlife seizures

Remembering the legacy of Corporal Souleymane – Anti-poaching ranger and military officer killed while responding to an attack on a United Nations building.

Javan rhinos face human incursions into their last remaining habitat

South Africa: Mozambican rhino poacher sentenced to 20 years in South Africa

South Africa: Rhino Poacher Jailed for 20 Years

Namibia: N$866 000 raised for anti-poaching drive – By Hunters United Against Poaching Trust.

Vietnam, UK experts talk to fight wildlife trafficking

Wild Tigers to Return to Kazakhstan 70 Years After Going Extinct

Zimbabwe: Poachers Poison Jumbos

IFAW collaborates on new scientific report about sharks, rays and chimaeras

NGOs cry foul over licensing to kill desert elephants

Africa: How Ivory Fell Into the Hands of Organized Criminal Syndicates

The tide may be turning against the commercial use of tigers in China

Wildlife crime in top five most lucrative types of organised crime, ISS says

New TRAFFIC Study Lifts Lid on Central Africa Ivory Markets

Malawi: Kasungu National Park’s wildlife is recovering after 25 years of poaching

Mexico/China taskforce commitment offers hope to vaquita porpoise

Wildlife Crime: Why diverse data will drive better responses

Zimbabwe: Poacher Zimparks employee shot – Employee suspected of elephant poaching shot, injured. Arrested along with suspected accomplices.

Hippo teeth: Hong Kong trade threatens species in Africa

Uganda: Operation Twiga II (Giraffe)

August 2017

Malawi: Reverend Kanyimbo Jailed for Possessing Ivory – Chitipa Magistrate Hands Four Years Sentence

What’s the story behind China’s ivory ban?

Namibia: Locals Bagged in Rhino Poaching Incident (alternative link)

Asia: Poachers left this sun bear orphaned and alone – now heroes have rebuilt her life

Rhino horn confiscated, three alleged traffickers arrested in Sumatra

Uganda: President Museveni Orders Use of Sniffer Dogs to Track VIPs at Airport (alternate link) – Entebbe International airport.

Training Workshop For Regional Forest Officer Trainees at MLRC

Rare black oryx, valued at R8m, poached for food

Online rhino horn auction met with “disappointing” results

South Africa: Poachers Target Lions in Limpopo

Wildlife Migratory Corridors and Dispersal Areas: Kenya Rangelands and Coastal Terrestrial Ecosystems

Tracking and monitoring of elephant movements along the Standard Gauge Railway and highways in the Tsavo Ecosystem, Kenya (March 2016 – June 2017)

Leopard Cub Rescued From A 60 ft Well & Released Back Into The Wild

Rhino horn sales: banking on extinction

Smuggled tiger cubs confiscated en route into Bangkok!

Namibia: Communities Key in Anti-Poaching War (alternate link)

Southern Africa: China, SADC to Join Forces On Ivory Trafficking (alternate link)

Tributes paid to ‘silent hero’ wildlife conservationist killed in Tanzania

Namibia: China Condemns Poaching By Nationals (alternate link)

Three more rangers killed in a deadly month around the world for wildlife defenders

Tanzania: Mourners to Pay Last Respects to Elephant Conservationist (alternate link) – South African Wayne Lotter.

Sloth Bear Cub Rescued From A Barbed Wire In Karnataka

Why Legalizing Any Trade in Rhino Horn is Bad for Rhinos

Rhino horn on the auction block in South Africa

India celebrates its wild elephants with Gaj Yatra

Volunteering with Anti-Poaching Rangers in Zimbabwe – IAPF program.

About $8 Million of Elephant Ivory Destroyed in Central Park

Two tons of elephant ivory crushed in central park

Ivory crush in New York’s Central Park

United States: Nearly 2 tons of seized ivory to be crushed in Central Park (alternative link)

Malaysia Makes its Eighth African Pangolin Scale and Ivory Seizure for 2017

Zimbabwe army officer arrested for trying to sell ivory: report – Four elephant tusks worth almost $3,000.

Zimbabwean man jailed 9 years for selling python skin belt for $2 000: report

In Nepal, the rhino evokes national pride

Over 1,000 people killed in India as human and wildlife habitats collide

July 2017

World Ranger Day

Saving the world’s wildlife is not just ‘a white person thing’

Over one thousand rangers mark World Ranger Day

Jane Goodall stands with one thousand rangers to mark world ranger day

South Africa: New Move to Support Game Rangers At Risk

Zambia arrests 3 Chinese for rhino horn trafficking

Going Undercover With Africa’s Premier Anti-Poaching Unit: Busting open the black-market ivory trade in Malawi and Zambia

Zambia arrests 3 Chinese for rhino horn trafficking

Asia’s tigers face devastating snaring crisis

TRAFFIC initiative in India warns against buying illegal wildlife products

Poachers Caught, Ivory From Four Dead Elephants Confiscated

Thoughts On Tiger Conservation In India

Elephant Country Blog 5: Behind the Scenes at Mushara

Kruger National Park security official nabbed with illegal ammo and stolen ranger uniforms – Senior official was linked to known rhino poaching syndicate.

From schools to temples: winning hearts and minds to end bear bile farming in Vietnam

“We can make a difference,” says Vietnamese Youth

U.S. Gives N$23 Million ($1.7 Million) to Fight Wildlife Trafficking

Meet Singye Wangmo, tiger protector

East African Poaching Syndicate Kingpin Mateso Albana Kasian Arrested in Mozambique

No Bail for Alleged Airport Rhino Horn Smuggler

Minister Edna Molewa Welcomes Arrest of Rhino Horn Smuggler At or Tambo International Airport

Woman arrested with 20kg of rhino horn at OR Tambo

Sumatran rhino horn, pangolin parts seized in Aceh wildlife trafficking bust

New report shows US “baseline” ivory market

Namibia: Travel Agents Find Joy in Helping SRT to Protect Desert Rhinos

Zimbabwe: Pangolin Owner in Moza – Nyanhongo (alternative link)

South Africa Heads for 1,000 Rhino Killings for the Fifth Year in a Row

South Africa: Cop allegedly linked to rhino poaching killed in KZN shootout

Malawi Relocating 500 Elephants

Zimbabwe: ‘Poacher kills’ over 100 elephants

Nepal’s Rhino Numbers Rise Thanks to National and Local Commitment

Zimbabwe Deploys 150 Rangers, Police After Latest Cyanide Killings in National Park

United States Court Orders South Africa Poacher to Hand Over R479 Million – Arnold Bengis told to forfeit $37 million.

Wild elephants re-appear in Quang Nam Province

Vietnam commits to better bear preservation – AnimalsAsia’s Memorandum of Understanding signed by government.

Namibia: N$1 Million Fine for Possessing Lion Bones – Up to N$1 million or a 10-year sentence.

House of horrors: inside the US wildlife repository – photo essay

A Mausoleum for Endangered Species

India: Mohan’s Ivory Seized In Covert Operation

DR Congo Park Authorities: Rangers Were Not Killed in Rescue

DR Congo rangers killed in raid to free US journalist

Five Congo rangers killed in joint army operation to rescue U.S. journalist

Conservationists Demand Tougher Enforcement Against Ivory Gangs

Why Kill a Snow Leopard Conservation Ranger? Energy Sprawl and Land-Use Confict

Illegal trade in rhino horn thriving in China, NGO investigation reveals

Investigation unit captures notorious Zambian poachers

Hunted down! Dramatic moment a notorious gang of ivory poachers are caught in an undercover sting in Zambia

Chinese Overfishing Threatens West African Economies

DR Congo: Ranger Dudunyabo Machongani Célestin Killed in the Line of Duty – Killed by Mai-Mai rebels

American Journalist and 3 Guards Missing in Congo

Tigers threatened by reckless profiteering in lion bones

A bear bile farm has finally taken Sophie’s sight – but not her life

Sri Lankan Navy Saves Wild Elephant Found in Ocean 10 Miles Off Coast

India: Maharashtra FD & Wildlife SOS Conduct Leopard Awareness Program & Plantation Drive

Man caught with rhino horn at Hong Kong International Airport

India: Sloth Bear With Cubs Trapped In Deep Well Rescued

Mission Possible Malawi – On Malawi’s role in illegal wildlife trafficking.

Bushmeat: the unsung villain

Recently rescued bear settling in to new lives at Vietnam sanctuary – Rescued from bear bile farms.

South Africa should sort out the bad from the really bad on its invasive species list

Largest Ever Ivory Seizure – An estimated 7,200 kilograms seized in Hong Kong from Malaysia.

The Dark Side of Wildlife Tourism: Thousands of Asian elephants held in cruel conditions

South Africa: Trio arrested for possession of hippo tusks

Elephant 2.0. – nature’s invisible information architecture

South Africa: Govt Approves Export of 800 Lion Skeletons

South Africa: Three Lions Poisoned and Decapitated On Limpopo Farm

South Africa: Six Rhino Killed in Just One Night in Kwazulu-Natal Reserve

Botswana: Khama Releases Rhinos Into Sowa Park

One town handles over 80% of the African ivory smuggled into China

Watchdog Says Chinese Town Is Major Ivory Smuggling Hub – Says EIA.

Chinese town at the centre of global ivory smuggling

Uganda: Chinese Ambassador Warns on Illegal Wildlife Trade

Harry Potter may have sparked illegal owl trade in Indonesia

DRC: Severely Injured Baby Mountain Gorilla Rescued – Baby had been caught in snare.

Camera Traps Are Now Watching Poachers, Instead of Wildlife

South Africa: 2 arrested with rhino horn and ammo in KZN

Dogs Help Sniff Out Poachers in South Africa

Mercedes, rhino horn and rifles parts seized in SAPS operation

Gambian Arrested in Malawi for Ivory Seized in Thailand (alternate link)

Conserve elephants. They hold a scientific mirror up to humans.

‘Bear Safe’ Waste Management Workshop in Kashmir

June 2017

Rate of human-wildlife conflict in India has researchers making urgent appeals for solutions

The women who live alongside rhinos in India

South Africa: ‘Well known’ elephant poacher shot dead in Zim

South Africa: Alleged Rhino Poaching Syndicate Arrested At North West Game Reserve

Zimbabwe: Rhino Horn, Manhood and Fingernails

WWF and Tiger Beer Engage to Help Rangers and Protect Tigers

China is moving in the right direction for elephants

South Africa: Environmental Affairs Clarifies Trading on Rhino Horn (alternate link)

South Africa: International Trade of Rhino Horn Remains Illegal (alternate link)

Mushara Elephant Project Celebrates 25 Years With New Season in Namibia

EU Ivory Trade Kills Elephants

Tanzania: State Orders Confiscation of Poaching Weapons

Namibia: Poachers Bag More Rhinos and Elephants

A dangerous path: New highway could jeopardize tigers in India

Tanzania: 100 People Charged Over Poaching Since 2014 – Perhaps referring specifically to Dar Es Salaam. (alternate link)

Wildlife of northern Central African Republic in danger

South Africa: Alleged Rhino Poaching Syndicate Arrested at North West Game Reserve

South Africa: Environmental Affairs On Lion Export Quota for 2017 (archive link)

Cameroon: Anti-Poaching – UK Intensifies Lobby

South Africa: Policeman and another man suspected of rhino poaching arrested in KZN

Hong Kong launches bill to ban domestic ivory trade

Rhino breeder to auction 500kg of horns in South Africa

Tanzania: Noose Tightens On Wildlife Poachers

Poachers Poison Elephants in Zimbabwe National Park

Ivory seizure exposes Japan’s lax domestic ivory trade controls

South Africa: Alleged rhino poaching brothers win bail, vow to fight US extradition – Dawie and Janneman Groenewald

South Africa: Rhino owners ‘stunned’, angry after alleged poaching gang gets bail

South Africa: At least 2 dead rhino found dehorned, buried at Zim govt minister’s farm – report

South Africa: Suspected Rhino Poachers Arrested in KwaZulu-Natal

The Crash Kids Against Poaching – South Africans raising awareness for a national icon.

Anti-poaching drive brings Siberia’s tigers back from brink

Mozambican ‘rhino poacher’ disappears from police custody

Enforcement officials in China trained on wildlife identification technology

Namibia: Eight Suspected Poachers Caught with Bushmeat

Tanzania: It Takes a Village to Stop Illegal Fishing – Lessons From Namela

Footprints in the forest: The future of the Sumatran rhino

Elephant Populations Increase in Tsavo East and West National Parks in Kenya

Uganda: Court Boosts Fight Against Ivory Smugglers

Newly approved Vietnamese Penal Code should enhance efforts to address wildlife trafficking

Ten more elephants poisoned by poachers in Zimbabwe

China’s tiger farms are a threat to the species

Chinese Demand Threatens South Africa’s Donkeys

Tanzania: Time Up for Conservation of Wildlife Innovation

Rewilding Mozambique – funded in part by trophy hunting

Tanzania: Shot in the Arm for Anti-Poaching Activities (alternate link)

Vietnam: Dutch Veterinarian Saves VN Elephants

Gabonese authorities expand the AFRICA-TWIX network

Uganda: China Welcomes Uganda’s Clarification On Ivory Smuggling

Kenya railway line’s effects on development, animal welfare

Namibia: Outrage At Plans to Export Baby Elephants From Namibia

Research identifies illegal wildlife trade on the Darknet

‘Gorilla moms’: The women rescuing Congo’s endangered primates

Namibia: Govt to Banish Wildlife Traffickers

Kenya: Conservation Efforts Pay Off, Rhinos Thrive in Lewa

South Africa: Minister Edna Molewa Welcomes Arrest of Alleged Rhino Horn Traffickers

South Africa: Suspected Rhino Poachers Nabbed

Tanzania: Over 1,500 ‘Poachers’ Arraigned in the Past One Year (alternate link)

African, Asian Investigators Break Up Ivory-smuggling Syndicate

Illegal trade seizures: Elephant ivory in Europe

Uganda Apologises to China Over Ivory Smuggling Scandal

Gajraj’s Rescue Journey To Our Elephant Conservation & Care Center!

South Africa: 2 Chinese nationals appear in court on rhino horn charges

2 Chinese nationals arrested at OR Tambo with 10 rhino horns in luggage

Two arrested for rhino horn smuggling at Hong Kong airport

Malawi: Community Service Awards for Contributions to Wildlife Enforcement

Trans-border African task-force nails ivory smuggling network

South Africa: Sharp Spike in Rhino Horns Smuggled to South East Asia

South Africa: Staggering rhino losses show no sign of letting up – IFP

Malaysia makes third major pangolin scale seizure in a month

The Long Arm of the Law Catches Up with Ivory Traffickers

Indonesia raid finds more than 200 pangolins; 2 men arrested

South Africa: Police Arrests Rhino Poachers

Malawi Reintroduces Cheetahs After 20-Year Absence

Rhino kills conservationist in Rwanda

Zimbabwe: Govt to Sell Wildlife to DR Congo, Gambia

Two arrested for rhino horn smuggling at Hong Kong airport

Japan tightens wildlife trade regulations

Serial rhino poaching brothers denied bail by Limpopo court – van Deventer brothers.

Pangolin Scales Trafficking Kingpin Netted and Extradited from Uganda to Tanzania to Face Justice – Malian national Gakou Fodie.

Game Theory Suggests China Should Keep Its Ivory Trade Ban in Place Indefinitely

Tigers languish in the face of catastrophic ambivalence

Namibia: Poachers testify about killing of accomplice – By white farmer.

2 Lions, Freed from Circuses, Are Poached in South Africa

Gambia: FALRAP Members Trained On Proposal Writing, Wild Life Management – Federation of Animal Life, Right and Protectors (FALRAP)

South Africa: Top anti-poaching cop pulled from beat due to alleged ‘murder conspiracy’

India: Pregnant Leopard Saved From Drowning, Loses Life To Injuries – Leopard had fallen into an open well in a sugarcane field.

South Africa: Vet Wants Stronger Govt Action As Rhino Poaching Suspects Are Re-Arrested

May 2017

Decline of the cats – the precipice is nearer than we think

Another pangolin scale seizure reinforces need for protection

India: Bear Cubs Rescued From 20 ft Deep Well In Karnataka

SA ranger road trips across US pulling life-size rhino

NSPCA welcomes ruling stopping circus from exporting elephants

Mystery over 3 cheetahs found dead next to road

Why Tanzania will not burn illegal ivory

Airlines to Iceland urged to not promote whale products

US army veterans find peace in protecting rhinos from poaching

International Rhino Horn Trade Ban Failing to Stop Poaching – Claims Zimbabwe’s state media.

Rhino horn trade: A considered justification – In South Africa in particular.

Giving rangers a more comfortable base at Borana Conservancy

Viet Nam: Transport companies adopt zero-tolerance policies towards wildlife crime

Wild Sloth Bear Loses Life To Explosive Bait Set By Poachers

Malawi: Poachers Given a 30 Month Prison Term for Killing Two Monkeys in Nyika National Park

South Africa: Rhino mother and calf killed in auction pen – Killed by poachers.

Poachers breach security and kill 2 rhinos at iMfolozi wildlife game pens

Why Tanzania will not burn illegal ivory (alternate link)

Namibia: How to Conquer Human-Wildlife Conflict

Confronting the realities of wildlife crime: EIA hosts a successful event at CCPCJ

Cheetahs return to Malawi after decades

Bowling for Rhinos: a grassroots project with global reach

Fate of World’s Wildlife Hangs on Sustainable Tourism

Nepal burns more than 4,000 confiscated wildlife parts

Namibia: Three suspected poachers arrested in Zambezi

Angola: 58 Poachers in Bicuar National Park arrested

Africa: Commission Introduces New Measures to Fight Poaching and to End Trade in Raw Ivory

South Africa: Victory for elephant conservation in circus case

South Africa: The Police Are Still Winning the Right Against the Illegal Hunting of Protected Species

Tanzania: State Eyes Green Economy Based On Sustainable Fishing

Liberia: Fight Against Illegal Fishing Intensifies

South Africa: Hunting Association’s President Resigns Over ‘Captive Lion Hunting’

South Africa: Environmental Affairs Celebrates World Turtle Day

Vietnam: Illegal hunter convicted for killing endangered langur (alternate link)

Wildlife Crimes Investigation Unit leads to Zambian ivory trafficker arrest

Namibia: Hundreds arrested for poaching in 2016

South Africa: Rhino Owners Cry Foul After Poaching Gang Suspects Get Bail

Safari players await US decision on ivory ban

Vietnam: Illegal hunter convicted for killing endangered langur (alternate link)

European Commission Falls Short on Elephant Protection

So You Want to Fly Drones for Conservation?

European Union suspends the re-export of raw ivory

First Wildlife Sanctuary Launched in Liberia

Viet Nam E-Commerce Conference: a prime time to discuss wildlife crime

Mapping seizures to aid conservation of imperiled Helmeted Hornbill

Mapping seizures to aid imperilled helmeted hornbill

Why rangers love rhinos (alternative link)

‘Dragon’ Lizard Named for the ‘Hobbit’ Pummeled by Poachers

South Africa: Rhino owners cry foul after poaching gang suspects get bail

South Africa: Rhino Horn Bust At OR Tambo Airport

South Africa: Limpopo police make gruesome find, 4 women arrested for lion head possession

An orphan called Meimei (alternate link)

More poisoned arrows used to poach Tsavo elephants

SANParks denies suspected poacher was a game ranger

South Africa: The Death of Suspected Rhino Poacher Investigated

Zimbabwean wildlife boss fired after $3m rhino horn goes missing: Report

US$3 Million Worth of Rhino Horns Missing at ZimParks

10 selfish reasons to save elephants


Malaysian Customs make large seizure of threatened Malagasy tortoises

South Africa: Nine rhinos found massacred at Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park

East Africa: Rwanda Targets Wealthy Tourists With New Gorilla Permit Fees

Pangolin Conservation Summit Underway in DC

A rhino sighting at Ol Jogi (alternate link)

Zimbabwe: Ivory Suspects Want Informer Identified

Philippines workshop promotes co-operation between enforcement authorities against illegal eel trade

Setting targets for Kenya’s black rhinos – Conservationists plan the next 5 years of population growth.

Kenya: Three Arrested in Eldoret With Sh3m Ivory

South Africa: Shootout, arrests as alleged rhino poachers use luxury vehicles

South Africa: Suspected rhino poaching syndicate’s luxury car driver in court

Major rhino horn kingpin arrested in Viet Nam – Nguyen Mau Chien.

Zimbabwe: Lions Killed After Predation of Cow

Vietnam: Alleged Rhino Horn Kingpin Arrested – Nguyen Mau Chien.

Bandits kill park ranger in Democratic Republic of the Congo

East Congo Bandits Kill Park Ranger, Kidnap Then Release Two Others

No golden bullet to eliminate poaching in the Kruger National Park

News from the Dog Squad (alternate link)

Wildlife trade on the Asian-African Legal Consultative (AALCO) agenda

Vietnam works to end bear bile farming

India: Workshop On Man-Animal Conflict Mitigation For Chhatisgarh Forest Dept.

A Mysterious Rhino Horn Heist in Vermont

China Mission urges EU to act on ivory trade

Kenya: Two More Die As Elephants Attack Villages in Tharaka

Man arrested at airport with snakes, frogs and lizards in backpack

Kenya: Shutting Down Supply – Another Ivory Bust

Flash Update from the Field: Chinese Still Demanding Tiger Teeth, Prices Still High

South Africa: Two poachers arrested – After shootout with SAPS at a game farm in Makhado.

Boost for Rwanda’s tourism after arrival of black rhinos

Rwanda: Rhinos From South Africa With Love

Zimbabwean, South African Researchers Work Together On Baby Elephant Formula

South Africa: Alleged Rhino Poachers Arrested Near East Lonon

Giant Black Rhinos Back in Rwanda

Rhino orphanage to close permanently after security concerns – Fundimvelo Thula Thula Rhino Orphanage, attacked in February.

Illegal Hunters Kill 2 Liberia Forestry Staff After Arrests

April 2017

Zebra Gets Snare Removed Thanks to Our Wildlife Vet

As forests disappear, human-elephant conflict escalates in Nepal

Vietnam: Turtle conservation on Con Dao Island

Zimbabwe: Cornered Poacher Guns Down Ranger

Two wildlife rangers killed by poachers in DRC

Vietnam: Ten days we’ll never forget – two bears rescued, 68 moved and now space for 40 more

Rhino Tears – the flagship wine brand making a difference for rhinos

From Congo child soldier to award-winning wildlife ranger – a life in danger

Malawi: New law to help combat wildlife crimes – Judge Twea

Thailand: Awareness Campaign about Wildlife Exploitation

Report: African elephant population off 75 percent due to poaching

Uganda’s Fight Against Poaching Gets a Boost

Thailand: Nature Appreciation and Wildlife Conservation 101 – Freeland hosts over 60 students at the Protecting Wildlife Youth Camp in Khao Yai National Park.

Key SA leopard population ‘crashing’, study warns – Link to study.

More than a third of traders openly flouting Hong Kong’s ivory regulations

DR Congo: Air Wing Incident in Virunga National Park, DRC

Last male northern white rhino joins Tinder to raise money

DR Congo: The park ranger kidnapped and tortured for protecting wildlife – Park ranger Rodrigue Mugaruka Katembo, from the Democratic Republic of Congo

Indonesian tiger smugglers escape with light sentences in Sumatra

Zimbabwe: Army Officer Nabbed Over Raw Ivory (alternate source) – 0.625kg of ivory.

Illegal trade threatens nearly half the world’s natural heritage sites: WWF

Illegal wildlife trade threatens species at Unesco sites, says WWF

Vietnam: Five kg of rhino horn seized at southern airport – At Tan Son Nhat international airport in Ho Chi Minh City.

Uganda’s fight against poaching gets a boost

Namibia: Three in Dock Over Rhino Horns

Mozambique: Rhino Horns Seized At Maputo Airport

Namaibia: Night Vision Binoculars Help Rhino Rangers Against Poachers (alternate link)

SANParks rejects claim of mass poacher burial

Zimbabwe: Govt Probes Hippos Poisoning

Nepal tests fencing approach to protect farms and elephants

Rhino poachers in Borneo: Q&A with a conservationist who lived with them

Guinea: Traumatised Baby Chimps Find Love in Guinea Sanctuary

South Africa: Permit scheme will control SA rhino horn sales, says DEA

South Luangwa: dog detection unit hounds poaching

Hunting is driving declines in bird and mammal populations across the tropics

‘I liked elephant heart. It was soft and very tasty’ – Interview with a Rwandan poacher-turned-farmer.

Shanghai workshop promotes use of social marketing to change illegal wildlife consumption

Researchers say advanced statistical models can make traditional wildlife surveys more reliable

Great apes in Asian circus-style shows on rise — so is trafficking

One-horned Rhino Killed by Poachers in Nepal

Animals Asia takes care of more captive bears – 2 more bears saved.

Vietnam: Measures proposed to conserve wild elephants in Dong Nai

Vietnam: Bile farmers decimate wild bears

New scout base camp presence deters poaching

Video: elephant gets a second chance at life – Human-wildlife conflict and socio-political pressures in Kenya.

3 arrested for illegal hunting in Eastern Cape

18 rhino horns seized by Malaysian Customs

Protecting and Conserving Gopher Tortoises

LATF and China Customs Boost Strategic Partnerships by Cooperating in the Fight Against Wildlife and Forestry Crime Across Lusaka Agreement Countries and China

Saved: The endangered species back from the brink of extinction – Saiga antelope.

Vietnam: 180KG Frozen Tiger Found in an Ambulance – 396 pounds.

Vietnam: Largest-ever number of pangolins rescued in Hoa Binh

Vietnam: Rare monkeys released back to wild in Ha Tinh

Zimbabwe hippo deaths “may be due to pesticide”

Latest death highlights plight of spectacled bear in Colombia

Indian Cricket Star Yusuf Pathan Bats For Wildlife Conservation

3 arrested for illegal hunting in Eastern Cape

Ground-breaking initial success in protecting Mali’s elephants, but it must be sustained

Secret footage obtained of the wild elephants sold into captivity in Chinese zoos

Illegal bushmeat trade threatens human health and great apes

South Africa makes it legal to sell rhino horns

South Africa’s top court lifts ban on domestic sales in rhino horn

Smuggled pangolin scales discovered at Noi Bai airport

South Africa: Four Behind Bars for Rhino Poaching

Audio: WildTech covers the high- and low-tech solutions making conservation more effective

Adding teeth to law enforcement: 13 dog squads commence wildlife detection training

EU urged to consider designating environmental crime a high priority

Kaziranga: the frontline of India’s rhino wars

Reptiles being sold openly and illegally in Moroccan markets

Officials, Greenpeace nab four boats for illegally fishing near Guinea-Bissau

Changing consumer behaviour in Viet Nam – An interview with Madelon Willemsen

Ivory sales end in Chinese outlets investigated by EIA

Sumatran elephants: a fragile future – in pictures

Botswana: White Rhinos Flown to Botswana to Help Save Species

New study confirms world’s second breeding Indochinese tiger population

March 2017 2017

New study finds rhino horn openly for sale in notorious Myanmar wildlife markets

China to shut down one-third of country’s ivory trading outlets

A Mammoth Step in the Pursuit of Illicit Ivory Sales

Decline in the legal ivory trade in China in anticipation of a ban

Hope for Elephants: China Starts Ivory Market Shutdown

WildLeaks and National Whistleblower Center Join Forces to Offer Monetary Rewards

China Poised to Close Ivory Factories

China’s Ivory Ban Has Played a Significant Role in De-Valuing Ivory

From high-tech to the eccentric: Kruger Park pulls out all the stops to combat poaching – With data on poaching arrests statistics.

South Africa: Kruger National Park Elephant Kills Female Staff Member

Wild Thai Tiger Cub Footage Sparks Hope for Endangered Species

Malawi: Kasungu unit records poacher arrest milestones, persevering through floods

Vietnam: Dong Nai: Hungry wild elephants trash crops, property

South Africa: No More Drop-Offs for Poachers – Security tightens in Kruger.

Zimbabwe: State Security Minister Mohadi’s Employee Acquitted of Murder – Game ranger employee.

Access and Benefit-sharing policies to be implemented in Viet Nam

Hong Kong poised for critical ivory market debate

Thorough investigations needed following major rhino horn seizures in SE Asia

Scene-of-crime evidence gathering: TRAFFIC helps deliver training in Tanzania and Kenya

Vietnam: Five frozen tigers found in Nghe An

A Czech zoo is dehorning its rhinos

Czech Republic: ‘Better de-horned than dead’ – zoo chops rhino horns to foil poachers

Czech Republic: Zookeepers hack rhino horns off, but it’s actually the best thing they can do to protect the animal

India: A Photo Blog; Team WSOS Helps Avert Elephant Conflict in Uttar Pradesh

Probing rural poachers in Africa: Why do they poach?

“Endangered species to declare?” Europe’s understudied bushmeat trade

Shot in face by poachers, new cub joins three orphans recovering at Russia centre – Tiger cub.

The Elephant Wars: Malawi Leads the Fight Against Illegal Wildlife Crime

Lilongwe Wildlife Trust’s Impact in 2016 – 955kg (2,100 pounds) of ivory seized, 101 arrests, and higher average sentences.

Namibia: Man Denied Bail for Possessing Elephant Tusks

Paichit – the baby elephant saved from a palm oil plantation in Indonesia

Illegally traded rare bird rescued in Tay Ninh

Kruger Park Surveillance Technology Stops Poachers

Better security, not dehorning, the answer to protecting rhino

Namibia: Police Kill Suspected Poacher in Zambezi

High Above, Drones Keep Watchful Eyes on Wildlife in Africa

AFRICA-TWIX: enhancing collaboration in the fight against illegal wildlife trade in Central Africa

VN Government approves project on preventing and combating illegal trade in endangered species

Testing satellite collars for elephant orphans

In joint operation with Elephant Action League, Royal Thai Police Arrest Notorious Wildlife Trafficker in Bangkok – Pichart Muangsri.

India: Training Programme for Forest Department recruits at MLRC

Iceland’s whaling kingpin stays ashore for season

Vietnam: Quang Nam: over $5.6 mln for elephant conservation project

Vietnam’s CEOs asked to protect wildlife

Endangered animals at growing risk from GPS ‘cyber-poachers’

Thailand: 330kg of Malawi ivory seized at Suvarnabhumi – Gambian national arrested, not all ivory from Malawi.

Zimbabwe: Luck runs out for poachers

One of Africa’s Last Great Tusker Elephants Was Killed by Poachers

South Africa’s rhino horn trade plan a gift to criminals?

Behind the scenes: Save the Rhino Vietnam documentary

White rhino shot dead in French zoo, horn sawn off – Thoiry Zoo.

Poachers kill rhino for his horn at French zoo – Thoiry Zoo.

One of Africa’s Last Great Tusker Elephants Was Killed by Poachers

Revolutionary Wildlife Ranger Training Guidelines Launched

Interpol: $5.1 million of illegal wildlife and timber seized – Operation Thunderbird.

A Refuge Found for the Most Heavily Fished Shark?

Video Tribute Marks 40th Anniversary of Sheldrick Elephant Haven

America: Study shows effectiveness of nonlethal wolf deterrents

February 2017

South Africa annual rhino poaching toll falls for second year running but the crisis continues

South African rhino poaching numbers show need for urgent action

South Africa: Minister Molewa highlights progress on Integrated Strategic Management of Rhinoceros (archive link) – 2016 rhino poaching statistics.

Vietnam: Elephant pregnancy expected to help preserve herds in Dak Lak

India: Sloth Bear Cub Rescued After Mother Electrocuted by Poachers

India: Orphan Sloth Bear Cub Rescued; Mother Killed by Poachers

Uganda: Illegal Ivory Trade – UPDF Soldiers Convicted

Zimbabwe: National Parks Names ‘Poaching Kingpin’

Namibia: Govt Officials Confronted Over Poaching, Govt Vehicle Abuse

Why China’s Ivory Trade Ban Shouldn’t Wait Till Year-End

More than 25,000 elephants were killed in a Gabon national park in one decade

More than 80 percent of Gabon’s Rare Forest Elephant Species Taken by Poachers

Tiger Temple to Reopen 9 Months After Raid, Has New Tigers

Vietnam: Rangers to protect elephant herd in Quang Nam

South Africa: 2 men to appear in court after attack on rhino sanctuary – Thula Thula Rhino Orphanage.

Rhino orphanage attacked. Please help. – Thula Thula Rhino Orphanage.

Beehive fences as a multidimensional conflict-mitigation tool for farmers coexisting with elephants (publication)

Where Have Zimbabwe’s Cheetahs Gone?

Population Effects From Snared Lion Rescues

In poll season, 15 leopard skins seized in Uttarakhand

More than 80 percent of Gabon’s Rare Forest Elephant Species Taken by Poachers

Man kills elephant to protect his crop

Pride in our Prides: Cutting-Edge Technology Protects Lions, Livestock and Livelihoods

When Lions Attack People: A Case in Gunotsoga Village, Botswana

Holding the line for lions in Mozambique

South Africa: Lion skeletons – 800 to be exported annually

Tons of pangolin scales up in flames in Cameroon – 3,094 kilograms (6,800 pounds).

The Emergence of Intelligence-led Law Enforcement in Wildlife Protection

Wildlife Ranger Killed in Zambia Leaves Behind Seven Children

South Africa: Anti-poaching Dog Gored by Kudu, Recovering Well

Updated Map Shows No Let-up in Illegal Pangolin Trade

Twelve Suspected Rhino Poachers Arrested In South Africa’s Kruger National Park

South Africa: Poachers attack rhino conservancy – Thula Thula rhino orphanage.

Malaysia busts wanted elephant poaching gang

African Task Force shakes Up Wildlife Trafficking Syndicates

EU-Africa collaboration essential for effective implementation of anti-trafficking plan

New training guidelines could save the lives of rangers

South Africa: Rhino horn sales to be legalised?

Another captive white lion poached

Kaziranga’s ruthless rangers have reduced rhino poaching by simply gunning down poachers at sight

India’s Manas National Park Illustrates the Human Dimension of Rhino Conservation

GPS-enabled sea turtle eggs and other high-tech solutions to wildlife crime

Coming Face to Face With the Rhino Poaching Crisis

South Africa: Another Captive White Lion Poached

Thai Customs Makes Record Seizure of Endangered Species – Nearly 3,000 kg of pangolin scales.

Europol and TRAFFIC join forces to fight environmental crime

World’s most endangered marine mammal down to 30 individuals – Due to damage to local environment and trafficking for swim bladders.

January 2017

Critically Endangered Javan Slow Lorises Rescued from Online Traders in Indonesia

Increased Use of Snares in Southeast Asia Driving Extinction Crisis, Scientists Warn

Namibia: Cops seize 13 elephant tusks in Bwabwata

Kenya: The Teacher Who Tried the Ivory Trade – Apprehended by Big Life rangers.

Mozambique: Police Seize Ivory in Nampula

Namibia Welcomes China’s Ivory Ban

Tanzanian Officials, Wildlife Advocates Hail China’s Ivory Ban

Tracking Mali’s desert elephants near Timbuktu – Joint operation by Wild Foundation, International Conservation Fund of Canada, and Chengeta Wildlife.

Waging War on Wildlife Crime: Paleontologist-turned-politician Richard Leakey leads the charge in Kenya’s war on poaching (Paywall)

Increased use of snares in Southeast Asia driving extinction crisis, scientists warn

South Africa: Van Deventer brothers arrested again – Two of the infamous “Boere rhino mafia” brothers arrested again, ten years after first rhino poaching-related arrest.

South Africa: Poaching charges piled on convicted brothers – “Boere rhino mafia” van Deventer brothers.

SAPS Says They Are Not Protecting Hazyview Rhino Kingpin – Hazyview SAPS, Kingpin Petrus Sydney Mabuza AKA “Mr Big”.

Namibia’s poaching crisis

Namibia: Police Concerned Over Increased Poaching

South Africa’s lion bone trade disastrous for wild tigers

Combatting Snow Leopard poaching & trafficking the elusive X factor to conserve Asia’s high mountain ecosystems

‘Running out of time’: 60 percent of primates sliding toward extinction

Namibia’s poaching crisis

Let’s make 2017 a better year for rhinos

South Africa: Kruger National Park confirms arrests of 11 suspected rhino poachers

Conservationists Call For Transparency in Zimbabwe Wildlife

Tanzania/Kenya: Cross-border Ivory Smugglers Nabbed – Apprehended by Big Life rangers.

‘Boere rhino Mafia’ pair arrested again – “Boere rhino mafia” van Deventer brothers.

Three lions decapitated and chopped up for use in traditional medicine, say South African police

Air China bans shark fin cargo, reflecting dramatic shift in attitudes

One of the biggest seizures in India: 6,400 endangered turtles rescued, 1 held

Exotic populations hold hope for internationally traded endangered species

Borneo’s Pygmy Elephants, World’s Smallest, Killed for Ivory

Elephants in Borneo slaughtered for ivory (WARNING: graphic photos)

Articles from 2016

December 2016

News Analysis: 7 African Wildlife Trafficking Bust Stories from 2016

News Analysis: Closing China’s Ivory Market: Will It Save Elephants?

India: Poachers falling prey to their own wire traps

China Bans Its Ivory Trade, Moving Against Elephant Poaching

China Announces Full Ban on Ivory Trade by End of 2017

Zimbabwe elephants land in Shanghai – 35 more elephants exported with dubious documents are exported to China.

Largest ever number of rare pangolins released into wild

China seizes over 3,000 kg of pangolin scales in biggest-ever smuggling case

China in biggest-ever pangolin scale seizure – 3,100 kg of pangolin scales seized.

Wildlife for sale: affected species and trade routes in Peru

Nepal’s extraordinary devotion to preserving its rhinos

Exotic Wildlife Trafficking Ring Broken in Asia

Giraffes Now Listed as ‘Vulnerable’ to Extinction

How Uganda’s Rural Communities Can Help Fight Wildlife Crime

How Lilongwe Wildlife Trust is Combatting Wildlife Crime in Malawi

India: Poaching at all-time high, tiger numbers still rose

Nanning Customs officers receive CITES training

South Africa: Horses are now rhino’s new best friends – Mounted rangers deployed in Kruger National Park

Orphaned Baby Rhino Found After 8 Days Of Searching – Orphaned as a result of poaching.

Reports that wild Sumatran rhinos may survive in Malaysia prompt hope, skepticism

Tanzania: Report On Rhino John in Prime Minister Hands – Horns of rhino named John from Ngorongoro are retrieved from poachers and make way to PM’s office.

Tanzania: Report on rhino John in PM hands

Namibia: Chinese remain in custody over ivory, one other nabbed with US$33,500

Oldest rhino in Kenya dies, another ‘disappears’ in Tanzania

China to set date to close ivory factories

Wildlife crime makes debut at International Anti-Corruption Conference

IUCN Red List update highlights trade threat to Southeast Asian birds

WWF and TRAFFIC’s ivory initiative receives top media award in China

WATCH: On the hunt – US military vets join the fight against rhino poachers

South Africa: Horses are now rhino’s new best friends – Mounted rangers deployed in Kruger National Park

Orphaned Baby Rhino Found After 8 Days Of Searching – Orphaned as a result of poaching.

Mozambique: Elephant Ambassador Charlie Felled by Poacher’s Guns

Reports that wild Sumatran rhinos may survive in Malaysia prompt hope, skepticism

Malawi Passes New Act: Up to 30 Years in Prison for Wildlife Crime

Vietnam: Six Asian bears rescued in Dak Lak – Rescued from a farm in Buon Ma Thuot City.

Elephants continue to damage crops as conservation project remains on paper

November 2016

109 Hawksbill Sea Turtles Seized In Chinese Smuggling Operation

Wildlife crime history was set in Malawi today with not one but two unprecedented court rulings

South Africa: Minister’s response to alleged rhino poaching kingpin – Minister Edna Molewa.

Protecting gorillas at all costs: park rangers of the Congo

New Zealand’s Dirty Ivory Trade Exposed

Vietnam’s Business Leaders Take a Stand to Protect Rhinos

Wildlife Justice Commission holds public hearing on wildlife trafficking case in Viet Nam – Third International Wildlife Trade Conference.

Elusive Elephants: Determining where 19th century ivory trade victims roamed

Viet Nam’s illegal bear trade persisting more than a decade after ban imposed

EIA’s Hanoi Statement: Political will worth little without action

Grim Pickings: Vietnam’s crackdown on traffickers of endangered species is only superficial

Feisal fights 20-year jail sentence in ivory case over errors in records – Feisal Mohamed Ali.

South Africa: Minister Dr Edna Molewa commends the Hawks on the arrest of a Chinese National for dealing in rhino horn (archive link)

Zimbabwe’s Plans to Sell Ivory to China Blocked

Zambia: Graft Threatens Pangolins’ Existence

Vietnam: 46 seized Javan pangolins released back into wild

TRAFFIC encourages Vietnamese start-ups to adopt zero-tolerance towards threatened wildlife consumption

Tiger Farms Linked to Massive Surge in Illegal Trafficking

Average of 110 Tigers a year entering the illegal trade chain in Asia over 16 years

Regional workshop on moving “Beyond Enforcement” in combating Illegal Wildlife Trade in Southeast Asia

Nepal goes high-tech in its fight against rhino poachers

Vietnam destroys mass rhino horns and elephant ivory

South Africa: Media statement on allegations contained in Al Jazeera Documentary ‘The Poacher’s Pipeline’ – Minister of Environment Edna Molewa responds to criticism. (archive link)

South African minister linked to rhino poaching – Minister of State Security David Mahlobo.

South Africa: Mahlobo’s rhino poacher ‘mate’

Phu Quoc Police search for dolphin killers

Asian Elephants Help Seed the Forest

Illegal Wildlife Trade Conference held in Viet Nam – as scrutiny from CITES intensifies

PAMS Foundation supports Tanzania’s Ministry of Natural Resources’ Wildlife Crime Unit and the NTSCIU operations, featured in the Leonardo DiCaprio produced documentary ‘THE IVORY GAME’.

Viet Nam under scrutiny after remarkable sequence of ivory seizures

Malawi: Four Years for Poaching – Elephant poaching in Liwonde National Park.

Activists to expose Vietnam wildlife trafficking hub

Its own rhinos hunted to extinction, Vietnam is a hub for the rhino horn trade

Illegal Ivory Almost All from Recent Killing, Study Finds

Zimbabwe export of hyenas to China ‘stopped at airport’

Nigeria: Bush Meat Business Booms Again in Lagos Markets

Elephants destroy crops in Dak Lak

Hanoi: 200kg captive bear rescued – Had been farmed for bear bile and later allegedly kept as a pet.

Why Big Life Just Paid $34,000 to 778 People

A Tale of Two Countries: Zimbabwe and Botswana, Neighbors with Opposing Attitudes toward Wildlife

‘Greatest living pool cue maker’ sentenced after pleading guilty to helping smuggle elephant ivory

PNAS Paper Suggests Global Ivory Sales Being Driven by New Ivory Rather Than Ivory Stockpiles

Most illegal ivory comes from recently killed elephants: new study

Asia races to save the Critically Endangered helmeted hornbill

Was Borneo once a land of tigers?

Fins follow the money: new study highlights need for better traceability and overview of shark trade

Rhino poaching in KZN surges

How rhino poaching is affecting SA tourism

Creating zero-tolerance of illegal wildlife trade in Viet Nam’s transport and logistics sector

Major big cat skins seizure a chance to disrupt traffickers

Kenya lost 80 per cent of its elephants in 50 years

Elephant poaching costs African nations $25 million a year in lost tourism revenue

Kenya Lost 80% of Its Elephants in 50 Years (alt. source)

October 2016 2016

In Bangladesh Tigers are Being Killed by the Local Mafia

South Africa: Marine Unit Nets Ivory, Exotic Fish Stash

CITES trade data confirms shift towards demand for African pangolins

US funding new soldiers in wildlife trafficking war: giant rats

Uganda: Four convicted in sh55 million ivory case

Food shortages fueling bear-human conflicts in Bolivian Andes

No let down in Asia’s bear trade

Over 200 snow leopards killed every year: new report

Rhino killed in India’s Kaziranga Park, highlighting the ever-present threat of poachers

Hunted to the brink: Mammals in crisis

Illegal trade in laughingthrushes in Indonesia no laughing matter

The U.S. Illegal Wildlife Trade: More than Ivory and Rhino Horn

Mass Wildlife Poisoning in Limpopo National Park

Translating Survey Findings Into Effective Elephant Protection Results

Hundreds of snow leopards poached each year

Park ranger murdered while trying to protect rare gorillas

Tanzania: Ex-army officer, 2 others in court over 163m/- ivory pieces – Roughly $75,000.

South Africa: Dogs Are Now Parachuting From the Sky to Help Save Wildlife

Protecting Orangutans Means Chasing Down Traffickers

TV advert tackles horn demand in Viet Nam

Human threats to whales and dolphins on IWC’s agenda

How the illegal trade in wild-animal meat could cause the next global pandemic

Anti-poaching rangers attacked in Mozambique – IAPF rangers injured.

Tanzania: New Anti-Poaching Techniques Introduced

New study assesses size of US physical ivory market

From paper to tablet: A new way to record animal behavior

CITES Upholds Rhino Horn Trade Ban; But Will This Reduce Rhino Poaching?

What Do Chinese in South Africa Think of the Ivory Trade?

A win in the ground war against elephant poachers in Africa – In the Republic of Congo.

India: Tiger poacher Bheema snared after 15-year hunt – Part of the Bawaria gang.

ICYMI: 3 Key Outcomes for Africa’s Elephants

South Africa: 2 Extreme Terrain Vehicles, R2 Million in Equipment to Track Rhino Poachers – Donated by SANParks Honorary Rangers. Equipment worth roughly $140,000.

CITES: Observations from a young Honorary Wildlife Warden

Fiji: Officers ready to battle illegal activities

Celebrating Five Years of Giraffe Surveys

Op-Ed: Flaws in plan to sell horn – Relating to the suggestion that there be a central selling organization and a legalized rhino horn trade.

Chinese Company Seeks to Capture Orcas and Hundreds of Marine Mammals in Namibia

Tiger Cub Among Managerie of Animals Seized in Malaysia Enforcement Action

People are hunting primates, bats, and other mammals to extinction

Hong Kong Customs seizes suspected worked ivory at airport

UK Joins Fight Against Poaching in East Africa

CITES CoP17 – Africa in a nutshell

Over $26,000 raised to fight poaching in Victoria Falls

Tiger Poaching Is Showing No Sign of Slowing

Mass poisoning in Limpopo National Park

Wildlife rights organisations demand answers for export of rhino calves to Vietnam

Pangolins are said to be the world’s most trafficked mammal – And receive additional protections at CITES CoP17.

Vietnam commits to fighting wildlife-related crimes

How & Why Consuming Shark Fins & Meat Can Put both Humans and Sharks at Risk

Malawi: 5.5 Years for Ivory Trafficker

Kenya: Ivory Dealers Running Scared After Series of Busts – Nearly 260 kg (572 lbs) of ivory seized by KWS and Big Life Kenya.

Grand Opening of the Ranger Widows Sewing Cooperative

Pangolin pup death shows horror of this illegal trade

South Africa: Joburg market sells illegal wildlife products just down the road from CITES CoP17

Unpacking CITES CoP17: The wins and the losses

Tanzania: Forest Rangers On Call for Military Training

Kenya: Three in Court Over Sh3.3 Million Illegal Ivory

Botswana’s historic break from pro-ivory trade bloc

Positive outcomes from global wildlife trade conference, but much work needed to halt unsustainable and illegal trade

The Most Challenging & Dangerous Elephant Protection Operation

Cameroon Deploys Navy to Seize Illegal Fishing Vessels

Q&A: Bushmeat Trade Threatens Wildlife and People

Where an Owl Egg Is Worth More Than Ivory or Rhino Horn

Sharks and Rays Get New International Protections from Trade

Traceability key to successful shark listing implementations

Mozambican Ivory Seized in Vietnam

Synthetic rhino horn ready ‘in two years’

Bans Upheld on Elephant Ivory, Rhino Horn

Bid to Revive Ivory Trade Fails – Proposal to give elephants the highest level of international protections also failed.

Bid for strongest protection for all African elephants defeated at wildlife summit

Efforts to boost elephant protection fails at Cites

Call to close ivory markets agreed at Cites conference

Zimbabwe’s Government Dehorns Rhino to Fight Poaching

Botswana: Wildlife Crimes Impedes SADC Region’s Conservation Efforts

Thailand Suspends Exports of Seahorses

EU Fails to Lend Necessary Support to the African Elephant Coalition

The World Votes to Keep Rhino Horn Sales Illegal

World’s Nations Take A Stand To Save The Helmeted Hornbill From Extinction

EGI: Filling in the gaps in law enforcement for the online wildlife trade

Disappearing Gardeners: Thoughts on the Laotian elephant crisis

Timely significant ivory seizure in Viet Nam

Africa’s anti-poaching dogs take to the skies

South Africa: Suspected Rhino Poacher Arrested for Possession of Unlicensed Firearm and Ammunition

CITES Signatories to Tackle Online Wildlife Trafficking

September 2016

Airline Industry in South Africa and Vietnam Increase Efforts to Stop Wildlife Trafficking

Grey area: The illicit parrot trade and South Africa’s captive-breeding industry

Zimbabwe: Invaders, Poachers Decimate Save Valley Wildlife

Namibia: Rhino Horn Smugglers Get 14 Years in Prison

The World Is Finally Getting Serious About Tiger Farms

South Africa’s scaly trade in pangolins

International trade in Barbary macaques banned

New data shows ‘staggering’ extent of great ape trade

Malawi: Zambian Army Captain Imprisoned for Wildlife Trafficking

Shocking Figures Reveal Deadly Reality for Pangolins

South Africa’s scaly trade in pangolins

KZN, South Africa: Alarming Increase in Rhino Poaching

Poaching in Africa becomes increasingly militarized

Rhino Horn Ashes Float Skyward as Prices Fall

Revealed: How Senior Laos Officials Cut Deals with Animal TraffickersChumlong Lemtongthai.

The crime family at the centre of Asia’s animal trafficking network – The Bach brothers (Bach Van Limh and Bach Mai), Vixay Keosavang, and Chumlong Lemtongthai.

US Pushes for More Elephant, Rhino Protection Home and Abroad

Asia’s Tiger Farms Face Increasing Scrutiny at CITES

Massive downturn in Bangkok ivory market as Thailand implements national ivory action plan

South Africa: Zulus Pack Out Alleged Rhino Poaching Kingpin Trial – Rhino poaching kingpin Dumisani Gwala.

Uniting Against Organized Wildlife Crime – Operation “Crash”

How Protecting Animals Led to Allegations of Torture and Rape

To save African elephants, scientists say ivory sales must stop

How Forensic Technology Can Help Fight the Ivory Trade

The crime family at the centre of Asia’s animal trafficking network

Cracking Down on the Pet Cheetah Trade

Sea Turtles Can Save Themselves If We Clean Up Our Act

Collateral Damage: How illegal trade in totoaba swim bladders is driving the vaquita to extinction (Video)

Critically Endangered Helmeted Hornbill parts readily available in Lao PDR

New report finds no slowdown in tiger trafficking

South Africa: ‘Rhino Poacher’ Just a Herbalist, Mom Tells Court’

CITES Decision a Huge Win for Pangolins

Focus on wildlife cybercrime at CITES

Conservation 3.0: Will Bioengineered Horn Save Rhinos?

Shocking Figures Reveal Deadly Reality for Pangolins

Legal Ivory Trade Rejected in Heated Debate

China exhibition highlights action taken to implement CITES

South Africa: Minister Edna Molewa welcomes arrest and seizure of rhino horns as historic Wildlife Conference gets underway in Johannesburg (archive link)

Huge drop in African elephant population as poaching crisis continues

South Africa: Alleged rhino poaching kingpin goes to court – Rhino poaching kingpin Dumisani Gwala.

Severe Drop in African Elephant Numbers Signals Need for Strong Action at CITES

Vietnam cuts demand for rhino horn

Massive decline in cheetah populations in Zimbabwe, survey shows

Giraffes Are More Than One Species

Giant success for giant pandas

August 2016

Poacher arrests in Zimbabwe’s Save Valley

Debate: “Should the global trade of rhino horn be legalised?”

Study explores how new technologies can be linked to benefit conservation efforts

East Africa: Region Wants Tougher Wildlife Laws to Fight Against Poaching

END LOOP: Coding to End Wildlife Trafficking

Poaching Syndicates Target Kruger Rangers

East Africa: Curbing Illicit Ivory Trade Requires Global Efforts

South Africa: Chinese National Nabbed With 10 Rhino Horns at OR Tambo International Airport

Specialized training in Zambia targets poaching of elephants and associated illegal trade and trafficking in ivory

Six new champions join the fray to combat illegal wildlife trafficking

Conservationists Call on Japan to ban all Trade in Ivory

Pet trade’s “cute” and “adorable” label endangers the slow loris

Vietnam: Malayan bear transferred to rescue centre

Three murders highlight troubles of Iran’s park rangers

China jails 7 people, including airport employee, for smuggling rare tortoises

WAZA and TRAFFIC join forces to combat illegal wildlife trade

LATF hails Kenya and Tanzania for achieving impressive milestones in wildlife enforcement through cross-border wildlife security collaboration

KLIA customs foils attempt to smuggle ivory worth over RM10m – Confiscated at Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA), having come through Kinshasa International Airport, Congo.

Poaching along the Okavango River

Why you should vote to stop trade in African grey parrots

Improving wildlife monitoring in Vietnamese trade channels

Target Achieved on June’s Fence Appeal, Thanks to Big Life Donors

Tracker Dogs Are an Elephant’s Best Friend

For the Day of the Elephants, a Crash Course in Conservation

Three desert-adapted lions killed in Namibia – Human-wildlife conflict.

Lions in West and Central Africa Genetically Unique

Saving the giants this World Elephant Day

Tech industry leaders join forces against illegal wildlife trafficking online

Indonesia’s bird life plundered to supply Javan bird markets

U.S. Mission Uganda Hosts Wildlife Trafficking Stakeholder Workshop

Envoys ‘engaging in illegal ivory trade’ – Says report.

SaveTheRhino: For Rangers – Why we do what we do

Wildlife crime manual circulated in Vietnam

Two Congolese Businessmen Arrested for Ivory Trafficking

Frontline enforcement officials from Yunnan receive CITES training

New partnership to boost Asia-Pacific conservation

IUCN Lion Report Raises Questions

South Africa: Police Arrest Rhino Poaching Suspects

Tanzania: Why Poaching Is Linked to Depletion of Ecosystem

Poacher Arrests in Zimbabwe’s Save Valley

Zimbabwe: Elephant Numbers Down 6,8 Percent As Poaching Increases

Officials from China and Lao PDR receive CITES law enforcement training

Malayan Sun bear: bile trade threatens the World’s smallest bear

July 2016

Tragic Year for World’s Rangers, Many of Whom Lack Even Basic Insurance

Tanzania: Why Poaching Is Linked to Depletion of Ecosystem

Ensnared for a Month, a Baby Elephant is Free at Last

Like Indonesia, Malaysia to sink illegal foreign fishing boats: minister

Grim reality behind tiger selfie tourism: speed breeding, cruelty

Kruger ranger allegedly instructed accomplice to hide poached horns

Illegal wildlife trade threat highlighted during internet governance forum

Namibia: 67 Elephant Tusks, 14 Rhino Horns Seized This Year

Corruption at the Highest Levels

Elephant killings in Africa ‘stabilise’ but threat continues

The Emerging Role of Asia in Wildlife Conservation Practice

Snares – The Unseen Killer Lurking in the Forest

Tanzania: Poachers Jailed 40 Years Over Illegal Ivory Possession – Gidamis Giyamu, alias Hamis, and Petro Kilo, alias Kinangai and Nanga.

Wild Tigers in Peril as Tiger Farms Flourish

How rangers are working to save tigers

Persistent illegal bird trade highlighted at notorious Bangkok Market

Chengeta Wildlife: July Updates – “Action Against Poaching” and “Chengeta Wildlife” initiatives in Mali.

Changing consumer choice advice a few clicks away – Wildlife Consumer Behaviour Change Toolkit.

Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation Awards $15.6 Million in Largest-Ever Round of Environmental Grants

How Amazon is putting our wildlife at risk

Elephant park to finally face criminal charges for cruelty

South Africa: Police Arrests Alleged Rhino Poachers

Vietnam is one of world’s biggest illegal ivory markets

Massive relocation of 500 elephants begins in Malawi

Amazon, eBay involved in illegal wildlife trade: Indian government

Vietnam’s Illegal Ivory Trade Threatens Africa’s Elephants

Wildlife Crime: Convincing Communities?

Most Wanted Kenyan Ivory Dealer, Feisal Mohamed Ali, Sentenced to 20 Years in Jail

Pangolin poaching in Zimbabwe threatens species survival

Video: I am a ranger – Highlights the rangers protecting wildlife and last northern white rhino at Kenya’s Ol Pejeta Conservancy.

2016: So Far, Another Deadly Year for Pangolins – Especially African species.

A Honeymoon Helping Wildlife

Giant Clam Poaching Wipes Out Reefs in South China Sea

Rhino DNA database puts poachers in the cross-hair

South China Sea ruling slams China for poaching, reef destruction

Giant Clam Poaching Wipes Out Reefs in South China Sea

The Epicentre of Namibia’s Rhino Poaching

South Africa: Respect our rights – alleged poaching syndicate – Alleged poaching ringleaders want the Constitutional Court to decide on whether it’s fair that they have to prove their innocence.

These fake turtle eggs could crack a black market in animal poaching

Another Tool in the Fight Against Illegal Fishing

This Is Africa’s New Elephant Poaching Hot Spot – Substantial, organized elephant poaching documented in Angola.

Hong Kong Protesters Target FedEx Over Shark Fin Shipments

Poaching Leaves Elephant Daughters In Charge

Otters in Asia at risk from demand for their skins and increasingly as pets

Vietnam: Delay to new penal code in Viet Nam is major blow to fight against wildlife crime

Dried Sea Horses Seized – All Eight Million – Attempted trafficking from Peru to Asia.

Vietnam: Initiative instills zero-tolerance towards rhino horn consumption

June 2016

A Growing Threat to Lions: Illegal Trade in Their Bones

Amid illegal fishing crackdown, Indonesia to buoy legal catch

Countering wildlife trafficking meeting held in Taiwan

Assam rocked by claims Kaziranga poaching is an insider job; Nepal celebrates two poaching-free years

What’s going on in Tanzania? – Leaked safari films raise awareness of hidden wildlife abuse and corruption.

Experts agree to enhanced international DNA testing of rhinos at South African Workshop

Bling king accused in Namibian rhino poaching

Andy Murray and Kevin Spacey team up to support global tiger campaign

Hong Kong Starts Countdown to Ivory Trade Ban

United in zero tolerance of illegal wildlife consumption

Indonesian Soldier Caught with 8 Pangolins in Car Backseat

Vietnam: Online Wildlife Trafficker Phan Huynh Anh Khoa Gets Five Years in Prison

Lusaka Agreement Task Force (LATF) teams up with UNOOSA, UNEP and Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Kenya in bridging Wildlife Conservation, Space Technology and Applications to enhance service delivery in wildlife management and protecting biodiversity in Africa.

Real-life “Tarzan” Lee White is on a Mission to Protect Gabon’s Forest Elephants

Vietnam: Man gets 5-year sentence for illegal wildlife trade – Vietnamese national Phan Huynh Anh Khoa.

Chinese-military axis behind Zambian poaching crisis

Help Save the Rhino win €25,000 to protect rhinos with Dragon Mania Legends

European Union (EU) Environment Ministers endorse ambitious EU Action Plan to address wildlife trafficking

China and Vietnam heavily involved in global rhino horn trade

SANParks Weeds Out Rangers Involved in Rhino Poaching

South Africa: Pangolin Poachers Tracked Down Close to Hoedspruit

Hype and secrecy in wildlife conservation

After mass die-off, saiga antelope numbers go up in Kazakhstan

Photos: On a Chinese mountain, an aging anti-poaching hero ponders the future

TRAFFIC organizes seminar for wildlife crime enforcement agencies in China

On The Road: Rhino Translocation in Nepal

If South Africa does not tackle corruption we will lose the war on poaching

Rampant poaching threatens former elephant stronghold in Tanzania

Martial Arts Actor Tony Jaa Leads New ‘Ivory Free’ Thailand Campaign

Dismantling Elephant Poaching in Lower Zambezi

Update: Malaysian Illegal Wildlife Trade Group Removed by Facebook

Protected Species Openly for Sale in Malaysian Facebook Group

Legal Ivory Sale Drove Dramatic Increase in Elephant Poaching, Study Shows

Central Africa countries meet to support National Ivory Action Plan implementation

Law enforcement plan a must in Singapore’s fight to tackle illegal ivory transit role

Singapore Crushes 7,900 Kilograms of Illegal Ivory Worth $10 Million

Beyond Poaching – The Next Phase: A Transformational Life Saver – Big Life Foundation aims to reduce the number of elephants raiding farmer’s crops using non-lethal tactics that strengthen community ties to their wildlife.

Video hints Japan abetting illegal ivory trade: conservationists

Germany hosts forum on illegal wildlife trade’s impact on sustainable development

Wildlife Crime: Why do local communities poach?

Hunting Endangered Animals in the Jungles of Myanmar

How Saving One Chimp Led to a New Kind of Anti-Poaching Group – Interview with EAGLE Network founder and director Ofir Drori.

Under the Radar: Trade in Southeast Asian Newts

South Africa: Alleged Rhino Kingpin Trial Set to be a Showdown

Stiff sentence to poacher in South Africa

A lioness named Elsa inspired an epic fight against poachers – Relates to George Adamson’s and Joy Adamson’s raising of a lion cub which chronicled in the book Born Free.

U.S. and India Sign MOU on Combating Wildlife Trafficking

The rhino war from the perspective of a ranger’s daughter

Forced Windows 10 Upgrade Shuts Down PC Used by Anti-Poaching Rangers in Africa

The uphill battle to save rhinos in Mozambique

Vietnamese millionaires dine on rare Red Book fish – Exotic fish species are eaten in spite of ban.

Hard battle against wildlife crime in Vietnam

More remains seized, deeper issues revealed at Thailand ‘Tiger Temple’

U.S. Completes Near-Total Elephant Ivory Ban to Close Trafficking Loopholes

Vietnam toughens up fight against illegal wildlife trade

Cambodia declares new national park, plans to reintroduce tigers

May 2016

Beijing reception focuses on wildlife conservation and responsible travel in South Africa

UNODC – LATF Memorandum of Understanding Signed on Combating Wildlife and Forest Crimes

South Africa: Poaching At Rietvlei Nature Reserve Condemned

Mozambique: More Than 60 Poachers Arrested in Limpopo Park Last Year (alternate source)

Rare Success Story of Wildlife Protection in Kenya

President Kenyatta seeks support for total ban on ivory trade

Traffickers Busted in Indonesia, Whale Sharks Released Back to the Wild

Vietnam: Man travels country photographing wildlife – Uses images and travel to promote wildlife conservation.

Vietnam: Civil society groups call for zero tolerance of wildlife crime

Namibia: Elephant poaching suspects still at large

Zimbabwe wants trade ban on ivory lifted

Indonesia’s birds being wiped out by pet trade

Zimbabwe wants trade ban on ivory lifted

Suspected poachers fire on SANParks helicopter

Thousands of Southeast Asian newts being collected from the wild for pet trade

Kenya: Uhuru to Stage War Against Ivory Trade in South Africa

Wildlife Crime – Stealing Animals to Sell As Pets

Joint Announcement of the United States-Vietnam Partnership To Combat Wildlife Trafficking

Wildlife crime assessed globally for the first time in new UNODC report

The assassinations of Mother Nature’s guardians

Tanzania: Tourism Promotion, War On Poaching High On 2016/17 Agenda

South Africa: Minister Notes Rhino Horn Court Judgment – Minister Edna Molwea.

South Africa Conviction Rate ‘Pitiful’ for Rhino Crimes

Uganda: Two Charged Over Smuggled Tortoises

Namibia: Verdict Awaited in Rhino Horn Smuggling Trial

Zimbabwe: Daring Hunter Sets Impala Snares Around Elephant Hills Hotel

Tanzania: Conservator held over ivory tusk find

Zimbabwe: Poachers killed in shoot-out – Two Zambian poachers killed in Zambezi National Park.

23 Most Threatened Turtle and Tortoise Species in the United States

Vietnam: Pangolin smugglers to face up to 15 years in jail

The brutal economics of Zambia’s illegal wildlife trade – in pictures

Zimbabwe’s Elephant Poaching Citadel

8-year-old Girl Roots Out Poachers

Uganda: UPDF, Police Accused of Hiding Wildlife Smugglers – According to Natural Conservation Resource Network.

Uganda: Artists Come Together to Conserve Wildlife

Use of Drones Approved As Anti-Poaching War Intensifies

Park rangers take drastic measures to save South Africa’s rhinos

Advocating for Wildlife: A Conversation with President Sebunya – African Wildlife Foundation president.

Chinese Superstar Angelababy Speaks Out for Pangolins

Who Eats Lemurs? The Answer Is More Complex than You’d Think – Relates to bushmeat poaching in Madagascar.

Namibia: Rhino Conservation Awards

Poaching of Elephant Matriarchs Destroys Rainforests

Trophy-Hunting Trump Jr. Sets Sights on ‘Re-Shaping’ Wildlife Policies

South Africa Conviction Rate ‘Pitiful’ for Rhino Crimes?

India to burn its ivory stockpile as poaching deterrent

The brutal economics of Zambia’s illegal wildlife trade – in pictures

What it takes to get an interview with a rhino horn user

New research contradicts claim that legal hunting reduces poaching

Study Casts Doubt on Theory That Legal Hunting Reduces Poaching – Relating to wolves in North America.

Helicopter-rappelling dogs and other innovations being used to save South Africa’s rhinos

Corruption’s impacts on wildlife to be addressed

UK spearheads drive to root out corruption fuelling wildlife crime

Elephant poaching on the rise in Kruger

Chinese man nabbed with R3m in elephant tusks, other contraband – Roughly $198,500.

Sophisticated poachers could undercut bold Kenyan fight against wildlife crime in this key African transit country

African Countries Deeply Divided over Ivory Trade Before UN Meeting

South Africa: SAPS’s Rhino Protection Initiatives Yield Positive Results

‘My park rangers protect Congo’s people and ecosystems as war rages all around’

On the frontline of Africa’s wildlife wars – On the recent killings of a civilian and ranger in Virunga NP, DRC.

Collectors Exploit Weak Wildlife Laws to Import Live Pangolins into U.S.

Declining pastureland around the globe presents significant conservation opportunity

There are only three Saharan addax antelope left in the wild

Big animals have big impacts on tropical forest carbon storage

All 8 Pangolin Species Threatened with Extinction; 2 Species Now ‘Critically Endangered’

Dongxing Customs enhance their skills in detecting illegal wildlife trade

CITES Appendix II Protection Proposed for Africa’s Softshell Turtles

Only Three Addax Antelopes Left in the Wild?

Illegal trade pushing Helmeted Hornbills towards extinction

Hollywood movie star in Vietnam to protect rhinos

Nepal Celebrates Two Consecutive Years of Zero Rhino Poaching

Will Summit Lead to Greater Elephant Protection?

April 2016

CITES Appendix I Listing Proposed for All Eight Pangolin Species

Uhuru vows to save Kenya’s Elephants, says heritage cannot be sold for money

Kenya burns vast piles of elephant tusks as it seeks ban on trade

Kenya Burns Huge Pile of Ivory Tusks to Protest Poaching

Royal Cambodian Turtle Population Plummets 95 Percent; Just 10 Left in the Wild

Malaysian businessmen sentenced to 6 months for smuggling endangered wildlife artifacts into U.S.

Bat mortality no longer sustainable, global review finds

State hammers Chinese accused – Relating to prosecution of Wang Hui, Pu Xuexin, Li Zhibing, and Li Xiaoliang.

Malaysian pair plead guilty in Oregon to online wildlife smuggling, get six months

Controversial tiger temple in Thailand gets zoo license

Air transport operators and Cameroon Government pledge to work together to combat Illegal wildlife trade

Pioneer in Vietnamese communications speaks out against wildlife crime

Drone With Night Vision Tracks Down Poachers at Sea – In the Gulf of California.

New report calls for better monitoring of international nautilus trade

Four arrested for trafficking pangolins in Uganda

Pilot project to protect rhinos announced

Outwitting poachers with artificial intelligence

Zimbabwe: Chief justice orders stop to ivory trial

Op-Ed: Namibia: Are Photographers Contributing to Poaching?

Namibia: Trophies Off the Hook As EU Trophy Ban Fails to Get Backing

South Africa: Three rhino poached in iMfolozi

Madhya Pradesh STF arrests kingpin of Indo-China Pangolin smuggling module

How to steal an ivory stockpile – Parks employees of Hwange National Park, Zimbabwe have allegedly stolen ivory from government stockpiles since 2012.

Rory Young in Reader’s Digest – Instructor of Anti-poaching rangers, Rory Young of Chengeta Wildlife.

South Africa will not table CITES proposal on rhino horn trade

#ConvictGwalaRhinoKingpin – Next court appearance 23 May

Statement of Concern by Tiger Biologists on the WWF-GTF Report

Big Data for Big Animals: Machine Learning Finds the Giraffe in the Bushes (Part 2)

Malawi: Mutharika Speaks Against Wildlife Crime – Action Needed, Diplomats to Malawi Urge

Tiger trafficker’s wife allowed to breed tigers

Drought is indirectly killing elephants in Vietnam’s Central Highlands

247 Reasons Not to Poach – Rangers graduate from Manyani Kenya Wildlife Service Training Academy.

Tanzania, Kenya in Move to Crush Poaching

Vigilance urged as Malaysia destroys huge ivory stockpile

China joins South Africa and Mozambique in efforts to curb illegal wildlife trade

Tiger Resolution Sets New Paradigm for Conservation – The 13 “Tiger Nations” commit to 7 key aspects of conservation.

Malawi: Poachers Surrender 40 Home Made Guns to Police

Big Data for Big Animals (Part 1) – Understanding giraffe patterns through machine learning

US Gives Canadian Turtle Smuggler 5 Years in Prison – Chinese-born Canadian Kai Xu had attempted to smuggle thusands of turtles to China.

Zimbabwe: Rhino Featured on TV Euthanized After Poacher Shooting

Zimbabwe: Police Boss Rubbishes Cyanide Poaching Story

South Africa: Decomposed Rhino Found With a Shot Wound

The Virunga National Park Air Wing

Thuli Madonsela to investigate rhino poaching corruption case

U.S. Tightens Rules for Captive Tiger Trade

Elephants Wiped Out on Alarming Scale in Southern Africa

For the first time in 100 years, tiger numbers are on the rise

TRAFFIC helps train leading Chinese courier company in how to detect illegal wildlife trade

Sir David Attenborough opens global hub for nature conservation

Phinda: Rural communities are saving rhinos

US tightens up legislation on captive Tiger breeding

Poachers Aren’t All Evil: An Unconventional Conservation Film

Malaysians arrested in Jakarta with bags full of reptiles

Disappointment: China’s Draft Wildlife ‘Protection’ Law Favors Tiger Trade

Kenya: Three Chinese to Be Arraigned in Court Over Ivory Products , Lion Teeth

Four get maximum sentence for murder of Costa Rican sea turtle conservationist – Jairo Mora.

March 2016

Remarks by U.S. Ambassador Phillips at the First Ivory Crush in Italy

Canadian fined $43K for smuggling turtles into the country – Florida softshell turtles.

Tanzania: Five More Joined in Monkey Export Saga

Cambodia rescues half tonne of smuggled tortoises, pythons

Hong Kong Chief Executive Reaffirms Ivory Ban Support

Kenyans Angered By Shooting and Killing of Lion By KWS Rangers (graphic image)

Kenya Offers Amnesty to Surrender Rhino Horn, Ivory Trophies

South Africa: ‘Rangers Framed Me for Kruger Rhino Poaching,’ Soldier Tells Court – Relating to 2010 poaching incident.

Pan-African Elephant Survey Yields Positive Results in Zambia

Op-Ed: Hong Kong’s Ivory Traders Don’t Deserve Compensation

Kenya: Sanctuary Celebrates First Black Rhino Birth

Tanzania: Human Activities Threaten Sea Turtles

US willing to help Vietnam combat wildlife trafficking

Mozambique: Two Arrested in Possession of Rhino Horns

Tanzania: Chinese jailed 30 years for slaughter of 226 elephants

South Africa Rhino Horn Trade Proposal Hidden in DEA Budget – ZA Department of Environmental Affairs.

WildAid Presses SoftBank to Stop Yahoo! Japan’s Ivory Sales

Angola: Government bans trade of ivory – Draft law will be presented to be reviewed or signed into law.

Africa’s Rangers at the Frontline of the Poaching War

Ecuador Busts 4 Peruvian Boats for Illegal Fishing

Victory for Sharks in the Galapagos Marine Reserve – Ecuador creates 15,000-square-mile marine sanctuary.

Uganda confiscates 4,000 kgs of ivory as trafficking increases – 4,000 kilograms is roughly 8,818 pounds.

Africa: Illegal Fishing Hurting Continent’s Fisheries

Video: On the hunt for elephant poachers

Sumatran Tigers, Close to Extinction

South Africa: #ConvictGwalaRhinoKingpin – Behind the scenes – Dumisani Gwala.

South Africa: Alleged rhino poaching kingpin goes to court – Dumisani Gwala.

Wildlife Poisoning Continues to Take a Toll on Africa’s Vultures

New study highlights scale of illegal and unreported Humphead Wrasse trade

Rangers Killed in Mai Mai Attack on Virunga’s Central Sector

Remembering Rangers Mulonga and Mumbere

China expands ban on ivory imports

Chinese fishing boat tries to ram Argentine coast guard vessel in poaching bust, is sunk

Italian Father and Son Accidentally Shot Dead While on Anti-poaching Patrol – Shooting occurred in in Mana Pools, Zimbabwe (official press release).

Elephants, Pangolins, Bees Proposed for Greater Endangered Species Protections

Happy Ending for Smuggled Scaly Anteaters – Also called pangolins.

Malawi burns 2.6 tonnes of illegal ivory amid Tanzania’s protest (alternate link)

Malawi Torches Tonnes of Contraband Ivory

Global transport leaders sign historic declaration in fight to shut down illegal wildlife trafficking routes

Reducing demand for illegal wildlife products and embracing the forthcoming ivory ban

Italian Father and Son Accidentally Shot Dead in Mana Pools, Zimbabwe While on Anti-poaching Patrol

African Grey Parrot Bust in Democratic Republic of Congo

‘Shocking’ scale of pangolin smuggling revealed

Volunteer reveals state of South African predator breeding facility

Vietnam: Hunter turns from killer to conservationist

Wildlife trafficking poses risks to public health

Indonesia Arrests Suspected Tiger Trader

Poaching for ivory stabilises but elephant decline continues

Snow Leopard Trust: 10 Kyrgyz Anti-Poaching Heroes Honored on World Wildlife Day

The First Ivory Crush in Italy Announced – Scheduled for 31 March, 2016. (Italian press release)

Facebook Groups: Malaysia’s new wildlife trade marketplace

Lack of Support Endangers Wildlife Rangers

Kenya: Bodyguards of top state officials arrested selling ivory

13 facing jail over plot to steal £57m in rhino horn and Chinese artefacts

Dark web not a hub of rare wildlife trade because standard routes are so poorly monitored

Nepal: Rhino relocation: On the horns of dilemma

Rhino translocation off to a positive start in Nepal’s Terai

February 2016

Will the Zulu traditional dress wipe out the SA leopard?

Tanzania: Six Men On 7.4 Billion/ – Ivory Haul Charge Granted Bail

Tanzania: Dar Resident Jailed 30 Years or Pay 900 Million/ – Fine Over Ivory Haul

European Union Publishes Action Plan on Tackling Wildlife Crime

Botswana: US Senators Uneasy At ‘Shoot to Kill’ Stance

Large Seizures of Protected Pig-nosed Turtles in Indonesia Highlight Magnitude of Illegal Trade

Congo’s giraffes being hunted into extinction — for their meat

Palau vs. the Poachers – Island nation of Palau cracks down on international illegal fishing.

Tigers Have Just One Safe Habitat in South East Asia

Tanzania: Lions Rescued in Tanzania as Killings Continue

Markets of Death, Part One: The Asian end of a grisly business

Ivory Trafficking in Africa Controlled by a Powerful Few, Study Suggests

Platform to Enhance Collaboration in Countering Illegal Wildlife Trade Launched in Central Africa

South Africa: Drones tackle rhino poaching

Pilot killing earns four 70 years – Developing story relating to murder of Roger Gower.

KWS Installs Tracking Devices for Elephants and Rhinos in Maasai Mara

Tanzania: Trader, Villager Charged in Dar Court for Owning Elephant Tusks

Four suspected rhino poachers caught after high speed chase

Kenya, Tanzania Wildlife Officers in Joint Operation to Nab Poachers

Ring of Elephant Poachers Broken Up by Tanzanian Authorities – During investigation of helicopter pilot Roger Gower’s murder.

Tanzania: Operation On Illegal Use of Guns in Game Reserves Planned – After police find citizens loaning guns to poachers.

State shows hierarchy in rhino case – Relating to prosecution of Wang Hui, Pu Xuexin, Li Zhibing, and Li Xiaoliang.

WildAid Calls for Ban on Synthetic Rhino Horn Exports

Ivory Trafficking Network Broken Up in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Tracking Dogs to Help Fight Poaching in South African Game Reserve

South Africa: Four Suspected Rhino Poachers Caught After High Speed Chase

Ali Kiba’s ‘Lupela’ Out to Fight Poachers (video)

Ring of Elephant Poachers Broken Up by Tanzanian Authorities

Tanzania: Kenya, Tanzania in Joint Probe After Black Rhino Killed in Maasai Mara – Rhino was named “Temple.”

Kenya: The snipers trained to protect rhinos

US Ratification of Port State Measures Agreement Far-Reaching Tool to Curb Illegal Fishing

South Africa Receives Equipment from USA to Combat Poaching

Another One Bites the Dust: Elephant-poaching gang member caught – Poacher caught by Big Life Foundation anti-poaching rangers.

‘Further arrests’ over UK pilot killing – Developing story relating to murder of Roger Gower.

Minden man accused of smuggling – Located in Louisiana, USA.

Tanzania: When poaching is a concern to environmentalists

Poachers Steal 7 Million South African Abalones a Year

New US rule proposed to combat black market fishing

January 2016

Another one bites the dust: gang member caught – Big Life catches a suspect in an elephant-poaching gang.

Japan-bound endangered species intercepted

Yahoo Japan Defends Online Ivory Trade

Rhino poaching kingpin, and the magistrate that keeps him out of jail

Kenya to burn massive ivory stockpile – “120 tons” [sic] to be burned on April 29th and 30th.

Four Chinese rhino horn smuggler kingpins get 20 years jail term in Tanzania – Smugglers identified as Song Lei, Xiao Shaodan, Chen Jianlian, and Hu Liang.

A Chinese ivory smuggling kingpin deported from Africa with LATF support jailed for 11 years in China – Chinese national Jingmei Xue.

Kenya: Environment Cabinet Secretary says Kenya winning war on poaching – Cabinet Secretary Judi Wakhungu: Poaching of elephants and rhinoceroses inside Kenya’s borders continues to decline.

Tanzania: Two in Trouble Over State Trophies

Link Between Ivory Price Drop and China’s Trade Ban Questioned

2015: Deadliest Year Ever for Rhinos – Worst in decades.

Worst year ever for rhino poaching in Africa – Worst in decades.

Da Nang City issues wildlife crime-fighting Directive

Thailand: Tiger Temple Accused of Supplying Black Market

215kg ivory smugglers’ trial in false start as one of the suspects absconds (alternate link)

Zimbabwe police kill ivory poacher, recover tusks

South Africa an Outlier on Ivory Policies

Multi Agency Enforcement Team makes arrest. Over hundreds of wildlife articles seized. – In Jakarta, Indonesia.

Alarming proof of underreported bushmeat crisis in heart of Amazonia

South Africa likely just gave the rhino its death sentence

Nearly 1,500 Weaverbirds Seized in Northern Peninsular Malaysia

Zimbabwe’s wildlife authorities say rangers recovered 22 elephant tusks after a shootout with nearly a dozen suspected poachers

Zimbabwe: High Profile Harare Ivory Poacher, Accomplices Appear in Court (alternate source)

Zimbabwe: Ivory poaching ‘kingpin’ in court, but released due to ZRP bungling

South Africa Opposes Burning of Ivory Stockpiles

Suspect used hired truck to ferry ivory, court hears – Suspected ivory trafficker Feisal Mohamed Ali.

Why Rhino Poaching Isn’t High on the CITES Agenda

The Bigger Story Behind the Killing of Cecil the Lion That the Media Overlooked – Safari Club International poses as a supporter of wildlife conservation, but lobbies for trophy hunting and against bans on illegal wildlife trafficking.

Demand for Fish Bladder May Wipe Out World’s Rarest Ocean Mammal – The vaquita porpoise.

Field Ranger succumbs to injuries after accidental shooting – In Kruger National Park, South Africa.

Two Poaching Suspects Fatally Wounded Following Tourist Sighting

Rare Footage of Wild Asian Elephants Highlights Success of Cambodia’s Largest Protected Forest

Poacher killed by Botswana Defence Force

Why Shutting Down China’s Ivory Trade Won’t Be Easy

LRA warlord Joseph Kony uses ivory trade to buy arms – Lord’s Resistance Army is lead by Joseph Kony who has been indicted for crimes against humanity.

Surge in poaching sees 50 Zimbabwe rhinos killed

Uganda: Uwa Deploys Hi-Tech Methods to Fight Poaching

Facebooker investigated for posting monkey-killing photos on personal page (graphic) – Chu Van Cuong in Vietnam.

5 Arrested For Killing Rare Snow Leopard, Other Endangered Species In China

Zimbabwe to ‘export more elephants’ – Part of an on-going export of young elephants from Zimbabwe’s national parks during 2015.

Zimbabwe: CIO Operative Busted in Rhino Poaching, Gang Member Jailed 20 Years – Zimbabwe’s Central Intelligence Organization (Alternate source).

Uganda: Armed poachers threaten elephants

Zimbabwe: Police Arrest 6 Poachers